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Fast Labelling in Pharmacy Manager (2:36)

What's New in Pharmacy Manager 16.2 (6:12)

Pharmacy Manager Release 16.3

Pharmacy Manager release 16.3 introduces minor background updates and improvements.

As we continue to work on the next stage of the Dispensing Evolution, which includes our brand new Accuracy Checking module and Scan to Shelf functionality, our journey to provide dispensing efficiencies giving you more time to deliver clinical services continues.

Just to remind you, recent Pharmacy Manager releases introduced some intelligent functionality proven to free up pharmacists’ time:

  • New Prescriptions Home Page and Clinical Check - Enabling you to view your new prescriptions, organise your workflow with our intuitive new filters and use our standalone Clinical Check module. This allows the pharmacist to perform a clinical check, set label directions and cautions and confirm any warnings and interactions, in our easy to navigate user interface, before the dispensing process. See Accessing the Prescriptions Screen for details.

  • Fast Labelling - This feature uses our business intelligence engine to pre-populate the product, directions and quantity when dispensing electronic prescriptions. By automating those repetitive data entry tasks on the dispensing page this has proven to be a huge time saver, up to 20 hours a month in some cases, and helps to drive up the daily prescription throughput. This precious time saved has enabled our pharmacies to better act as wellness hubs for their patients and deliver more key services. See Fast Labelling for details.

  • Automated Clinical Check - Again, taking advantage of our business intelligence engine we have delivered an automated clinical check feature. This learns what prescriptions you have clinically checked manually and when the same items for the same patient are received in the future, Pharmacy Manager marks them as checked automatically if there has been no change to directions, dosage or medication. Our customers have seen up to 50% of their electronic prescriptions automatically checked within three months of turning this functionality on, saving over 550 hours of time across our user base so far this year. To learn more see Clinical Check - Automated (England) for details.

  • App Integration (England only) - We now offer an integration with the BeWell and Healthera patient applications. This seamlessly integrates with the Pharmacy Manager Dispensing workflow and automatically updates registered patients as to where their prescription is in the workflow. This helps keep your patients informed without the burden of extra communication to them.

  • Dispensing Multiple Prescriptions - Enabling you to dispense multiple prescriptions for the same patient regardless of differences in prescribers, form types or drug schedules. See Group Dispensing for details.

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