Recording a Universal Claim Framework (UCF) Consultation

Recording a UCF Consultation (1:54)

The Universal Claim Framework (UCF) allows your pharmacy to manage and deliver pharmacy led services from Pharmacy Manager, for example, Pharmacy First Scotland, Health Board Service and Epidemic / Pandemic Services and Vaccinations.

To record a UCF Consultation:

  1. From the Pharmacy Manager Side Navigation Bar select ePharmacy and the ePharmacy screen displays.
    Note - You must be logged into ePharmacy in order to record a UCF consultation, see Logging in to ePharmacy for details.
  2. From Service, select the service you require:

  3. From Patient, enter the name of the patient and press Enter on your keyboard to search for the patient record.

  4. The Find Patient screen displays. Highlight the appropriate patient and select OK :

    Note - Prescriber displays your ePharmacy login details:

  5. If an eligibility check is required for the selected service, Pharmacy Manager checks the eligibility status of the selected patient via the Electronic Pharmacy Message Store (ePMS).

    Note - If there is any demographic information missing, you are reminded and the relevant requests display.
  6. The ePMS responds with either:
    • Eligible - Continue to record the consultation.

    • Not Eligible - The patient is not eligible for a consultation. You are asked to confirm if you wish to proceed with the consultation.

    • Patient Not Found - The NHS record for this patient could not be found. You are asked to confirm if you wish to proceed with the consultation or clear the prompt. Select Try again to run the eligibility check again.

    • Check Failed - The eligibility check has failed. You are asked to confirm if you wish to proceed with the consultation or clear the prompt. Select Try again to run the eligibility check again.

  7. From Consultation Details, complete as required:

    • Outcome - Select from:
      • Medication Prescribed
      • Advice Only
      • Refer to GP
    • Notes - Enter details of the consultation.
    • Message Area - Messages regarding mandatory information required for a service display here for your reference.
  8. Complete the consultation as follows:
    • Medication Prescribed

      1. Select Dispense to dispense medications as required.
        Note - If there are any partially completed prescriptions on the Dispensary screen you cannot complete a consultation.

        The Dispensary screen displays ready for you to dispense items prescribed. The CP4 form is selected by default.

        Note - The CP4 form only selects by default when you access Dispensary via ePharmacy .
      2. Enter the number of items and then press Enter on your keyboard.

      3. If an approved list is available in Pharmacy Manager for the service '<PRESS ENTER TO SEARCH USING APPROVED LIST>' displays in Written as, if not Written as is blank. Continue as appropriate:

        • Approved List Available for the Service:

          1. Press Enter on your keyboard or select Approved List to view the approved list for the selected service:

            Note - If you know the drug to be dispensed you can add it directly in Written As. This is checked against the approved list.

            In case of a failure, for example, service or internet interuptions, the approved list is not available. If this is the case, you need to select the product manually, a 'The Approved List checking service has not been successful' warning displays:

            Important - If you dispense an item that is not on the approved list, you may not be paid.

            Confirm the warning before continuing.

          2. The Approved List screen displays, choose SELECT PRODUCT  next to the item required:

            Training Tip - If required, you can filter to include discontinued items, simply select FILTER and select Show discontinued items.
          3. The Dispensing screen populates with the selected product.

            If you enter an item in Written As that is not on the approved list, a warning 'The item you have selected is outside of the Approved List' displays:

            Confirm the warning before continuing.

        • Approved List Unavailable for the Service:

          1. Enter the medication and then press Enter on your keyboard:

      4. Complete dispensing in the usual way and select Finish .
        Important - When dispensing of a Control Drug (Schedule 2 and 3) is not permitted on the selected service, the following message displays 'This product is not permitted to be prescribed on this service'.
        Training Tip - Instead of finishing the dispense you can select Save to Pending and the prescription displays on the Pending tab.
      5. The Dispensary Supply screen displays, select Send to endorse and claim for the UCF Consultation:

        Note - If any of the mandatory information is missing, the Send option is inactive. The prescription displays in the Pending tab on the Side Navigation Bar ready for completion and claiming.
    • Advice Only:

      • Enter the details in Notes and select Finish . The details of the consultation are sent to the ePMS.
    • Refer to GP:

      • Enter the details in Notes and select Finish . The details of the consultation are sent to the ePMS.

Important - Where a CHI number is mandatory and not known, you must use the ‘not Registered at a Scottish GP’ variant of the service as the CHI number is not optional.
Training Tip - To clear the ePharmacy screen of all data added, select Cancel and no information is sent to ePMS.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.