What's New in Consultation Manager?

See Vision 3 DLM Release Guides for full release guides.

Vision 3 Release DLM 890

Vision 3 release DLM 890 contains the following new features and improvements for Consultation Manager:

  • Immunisations - As part of a clinical consistency review of Vision 3 and Vision Anywhere, we have updated any historic compound/combined immunisation data initially recorded in Vision Anywhere and written back to the patient record as one item. This data is now split out into its constituent immunisations, for example an MMR initially recorded in Vision Anywhere and written back to the patient record as one entry, is now split into three entries, Measles, Mumps and Rubella.

  • Firearms and Shotgun Certificate - When you record a Firearms and Shotgun Certificate on a patient record, a Firearm Status notification displays in the Alert Pane:

    The following clinical terms trigger the warning:

    • 9D8.. Shotgun application cert

    • 9D81. Shotgun applic cert-not paid

    • 9D82. Shotgun applic cert-fee paid

    • 9D8Z. Shotgun applic cert NOS

    • 9DP.. Has firearm certificate

    • 9DP0.. Has shotgun certificate

  • You can select the Firearm Status in the Alert Pane to display all firearms related details in the Filter tab, including the following terms:

    • 9DT.. No longer has firearm certificate

    • 9DV.. No longer has shotgun certificate

  • Guidelines - You can now search for Guidelines by the Guideline Description. A new By Description option displays in:

    • Guidelines - Select Guideline:

    • Consultation Manager Setup - Startup - Views Displayed When a Patient is Selected - Guidelines - Edit:

      Note - Full words are not required, for example, pox may return Smallpox, Monkeypox and Chickenpox.
  • Date selections - The issue of '$$' automatically being inserted when setting or updating a date within a Guideline has been addressed.

  • Medication Review Structured Data Area (SDA) - Clinical term 8B3S200 Structured Medication Review now defaults to, and can be selected from the Medication Review SDA.

  • Methotrexate Prescriptions - The following has been updated:

    • To comply with a recent MHRA Drug Safety Update (DSU), for one dose a week prescriptions you should now include a day of the week for the patient to take their medication on.

      When you prescribe a methotrexate item, and select OK, the Methotrexate - Select Day of Week screen displays:


      • Select a day to append to the Dosage and select OK. The day selected is added to your dosage, for example 'ON WEDNESDAY':


      • Select Skip to bypass adding a day. The 'A day of the week for intake has not been specified for this drug. Do you wish to continue?' warning displays if you do not enter a day in the dosage, select Yes to continue or No to select a day:

    • The issue of Dosage reverting to default when updating Methotrexate prescriptions is addressed.

  • Therapy - Exact Drug Warning - When searching for a drug name, if an exact drug cannot be found the following message displays:

    Select OK and check the item selected is the correct one.

    See Using the Select Drug Screen for details on searching for drugs.

  • Units of Measure - The following default units of measure are updated:

    • Head circumference centile and Jugular Venous Pressure are now cm instead of cms.

    • Infant details - Mother is now kg instead of kgs.

England only

  • e-Referrals - As per NHS England instruction, you can no longer upload .HTML or .HTM files to the e-Referrals Service. Vision 3 therefore no longer allows the attachment of .HTML or .HTM files. Should you try to upload files of this type the following message displays, select OK to close:

Northern Ireland only

  • GP2GP - You may see (Offline) after a patient’s demographic details at the top of the Consultation Manager screen:

    This is expected functionality due to updates in Vision 3 in readiness for GP2GP.

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