Therapy in the Journal
All therapy items display in the Journal screen within Consultation Manager:
Below is a summary of all the repeat therapy icons in Vision 3:
All Countries
Valid repeat master |
Expired repeat master |
Inactive repeat master, along with the inactivation reason |
Repeat issue |
Prescribed out of practice (repeat prescribed in hospital, or out of the practice where the source of drug has been changed from in practice) |
GP2GP active imported repeats. For more information on how to deal with GP2GP repeats, refer to the GP2GP on-screen help |
GP2GP inactive imported repeats. For more information on how to deal with GP2GP repeats, refer to the GP2GP on-screen help |
England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Expired batch repeat |
Batch repeat master |
Batch repeat issue |
Inactive eCMS repeat and the reason it was inactivated |
Expired CMS repeat |
Active CMS repeat |
CMS issue |