Electronic MED3 Doctor’s Statement
A MED3 form, designed in conjunction with the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), can be completed during a normal GP consultation from the MED3 Structured Data Area (SDA) in Consultation Manager.
The MED3 form includes all the information currently held on a handwritten MED3 form and can be completed by staff set up in Vision 3 with the following Staff Roles:
Commercial Deputising service
Community Nurse
Community Psychiatric Nurse
Contact Tracing Nurse
Hospital Nurse
GP Register
GP Retainer
Mental Handicap Nurse
Non-commercial local rota of less than 10 GPs
Nurse Access Role
Nurse Manager Access Role
Nurse Prescriber
Nurse Practitioner Advanced
Practice Nurse
Occupational Therapist
Salaried Partner
School Nurse
Sole Practitioner
Senior Partner
England Only
In England, eMED3 data is collected and sent electronically to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) at regular intervals, see Electronic MED3 Extract - England for details.