Side Navigation Bar


The Pharmacy Intelligence Hub Side Navigation Bar groups information into easy to navigate categories:

The categories include:

  • Dashboard - Displays a wide range of information relating to the pharmacies across your group, see Dashboard for more details.

  • Financial:

    • Overview - Displays an easy to follow overview of all financial areas, see Financial Overview for more details.
    • Claims at Risk - Provides an overview of the claims at risk within your group, see Claims at Risk for more details.

    • Expired Claims - Provides an overview of expired claims within your group, see Expired Claims for more details.

    • Unclaimed 2DRX - Displays all unclaimed 2DRX prescriptions for your Welsh stores, see Unclaimed 2DRX - Welsh Pharmacies only for more details.

    • ETC Claims Percentage - Displays all electronic claim data for your Welsh stores, see ETC Claims Percentage - Welsh Pharmacies only for more details.

    • Unclaimed ePrescriptions - Displays the number and combined estimated total reimbursement value of dispensed prescriptions which have not been claimed across all of your Scottish stores, see Unclaimed ePrescriptions - Scottish Pharmacies only for more details.

    • Reimbursements - Provides you with an overview of the quantity and value of electronic and paper prescription reimbursements due within your group, see Reimbursements - English Pharmacies only for more details.

  • Operational:

    • Pharmacy Status - Displays all Pharmacy Manager and Responsible Pharmacist data across your group, see Pharmacy Status for more details.

    • Dispensing Statistics - Displays the volume of prescription items labelled across your pharmacy group, see Dispensing Statistics for more details.

    • Hub Fulfilment Reporting - Provides visibility of items processed across your Hub and Spoke stores, see Hub Fulfilment Reporting - English Pharmacies only for more details.

  • Clinical:

    • EPS Returns - Allows head office users to understand the volumes and reimbursement value of Electronic Prescription Services (EPS) prescriptions being returned to the NHS Spine across your group, see EPS Returns - English Pharmacies only for more details.

    • EPS Returns by Pharmacist - Allows head office users to understand the volumes and reimbursement value of EPS prescriptions being returned to the NHS Spine across your group, see EPS Returns by Pharmacist - English Pharmacies only for more details.

    • Controlled Drugs Ordered vs Dispensed - Provides an overview of controlled drug usage within your group, see Controlled Drugs Ordered vs Dispensed for more details.

  • Services:

  • Patient:

    • Nominated Patients - Displays the number of patients that have selected pharmacies within your group as their nominated pharmacy for prescription dispensing, see Nominated Patients - English Pharmacies only for more details.

  • Stock:

    • Owings - Displays the number of items owed, the number of items labelled and the percentage of items owed across all pharmacies in your group, see Owings for more details.

    • Uncollected EPS - Displays the number of uncollected EPS prescriptions across all English pharmacies in your group, see Uncollected EPS - English Pharmacies only for more details.

    • Uncollected ePrescriptions - Displays the number of uncollected ePrescriptions and their value across all Scottish pharmacies in your group, see Uncollected ePrescriptions - Scottish Pharmacies only for more details.

  • Help - Select to open the Pharmacy Intelligence Hub Help Centre.

  • Settings - Select to access the settings menu:

    • Log out - Select to Log out of Pharmacy Intelligence Hub.

Viewing New Items

New items on the Side Navigation Bar are highlighted as follows:

Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.