Financial Overview
The Financial Overview screen displays an easy to follow overview of all financial areas of your Pharmacy Intelligence Hub.
Navigating the Financial Overview Screen
The Financial Overview screen includes the following information:
The EPS at Risk tile displays a summary of the number and value of EPS prescriptions at risk over various time frames.
The NHS Reimbursements (ENG) tile provides a snapshot of the last 12 months' reimbursement data. The filter defaults to All Stores however you can use the available list to filter for specific stores.
Graph - The Reimbursements graph displays the predicted estimate for each month for the selected filter. Hover over a month to display the exact figure.
Total (Last Month) - Displays the total predicted reimbursement value for last month.
Total (This Month) - Displays the predicted total for this month so far.
The Expired Claims tile provides a snapshot of expired claims data from the last 12 months. The filter defaults to All Stores however you can use the available list to select specific stores.
Graph - The Expired Claims graph displays the value of expired claims for each month for the selected filter. Hover over a month to display the exact figure.
Total (Last Month) - Displays the total value of expired claims for the last month.
Total (This Month) - Displays the current total of expired claims, so far, for this month.
The ETC Claims Percentage tile displays the total number of Welsh pharmacies this month who have not achieved the required ETC claim percentage threshold of dispensed 2DRX prescriptions to achieve the IM&T incentive payment.
The Unclaimed 2DRX tile displays the combined total and estimated reimbursement value of dispensed 2DRX prescriptions which have not been claimed by all your Welsh pharmacies.
The Unclaimed ePrescriptions tile displays the number and combined estimated total reimbursement value of dispensed prescriptions which have not been claimed across all your Scottish pharmacies.