ETC Claims Percentage - Welsh Pharmacies only
The ETC Claims Percentage screen displays all electronic claim data for your Welsh stores.
ETC Claims Percentage Headline
The ETC Claims Percentage headline provides a dynamic summary of the electronic claim rate across your Welsh stores.
ETC Claims Percentage Table
The ETC Claims Percentage table displays the performance of each store in your group in ranked order.
You can perform the following actions from this screen:
Search - To search for an individual store, simply enter the store name in Search , the table updates as you type.
Sort Data - Select any header to sort pharmacies by the chosen header, for example, select ETC claims to sort pharmacies by the ETC claims percentage. You can sort ascending or descending as required.
Exporting Data
To export all ETC Claims Percentage data for your group to a CSV (spreadsheet) file:
From the ETC Claims Percentage screen select EXPORT .
The CSV file saves to your local Downloads folder.
Training Tip - To view the Downloads folder, open Windows File Explorer, and then locate and select Downloads. A list of your recently downloaded files displays.