Pathway Reports

Important - When using Pathway Developer make sure that the logic correctly informs the desired output, particularly where this informs a clinical decision, for example, the administration of a drug.

Pathway Developer enables you to create Pathway Reports, which can include logic (rules) and notifications, these can also be linked to Workflows to provide clinical decision support tools.

Creating a Pathway Report

An overview of the steps to create a Pathway Report:

  1. Make sure you know exactly what you want to search for, including all clinical codes.
    Training Tip - It can be useful to map the Pathway using Workflows, this can then be linked to the Pathway and include additional detailed information and guidelines.
    See - Workflow Preparation and Workflow Designer Overview.
  2. Create a Codeset File or find an existing Codeset File.
    A Codeset File is a library of SNOMED CT codes that are used to build the report. This contains collections of Codesets, which can contain one or many Codes.
    See - Codesets Overview.
  3. Create a Pathway and apply a Codeset File'
    See - Creating a Pathway.
  4. Create Rule Nodes (a decision point) and enter Rule Line(s) within them.
    The outcome of the Rule Line(s) should always result in a Select or Reject outcome.
    See - Creating Rules.
  5. Create outputs which can be in the form of Notification Alerts, Dashboards or Lists.
    See - Report Notifications.
  6. Save and Test or Publish as required.
    See - Test Rule Nodes, Test a Pathway Report and Publishing a Pathway.
  7. The Pathway can also be linked to a Workflow to provide Decision Support.
    See - Link the Workflow to a Pathway.
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