Creating Rules

Creating Rules enables you to use logic in your Pathway.

Adding Rule Lines to a Rule Node

To apply Rules to a Rule Node:

  1. Select the Rule Node.
    The Ruleset displays in the lower section of the view.
  2. Update the Ruleset as required:

    • Update the Description, this displays on the Node
    • Node Reference - this is for support purposes and should not be changed
    • Select the Countries the Ruleset applies to
    • Optionally, change the Group Type to Register for Reporting purposes
    • Optionally, update the Sex and/or Age filters
  3. A blank Rule Line displays below the Ruleset.

  4. Select the Parameter type:
    • Latest - Searches for the latest occurrence of a Codeset
    • Earliest - Searches for the earliest occurrence of a Codeset
    • Any - Searches for any occurrences of a specified Codeset
    • Reg. - Returns the date of registration for a patient
    • DOB - Returns the date of birth of a patient
    • [Latest]/[Earliest]/[First]/[Last] - These are variables that are used to store dates from one Rule Line and then used later on in another Rule Line in the Rule Node, or even in another Rule Node
    • End date - Returns the end date
    • Review - Returns the review date
  5. Select the appropriate Codeset from the drop-down, for example, Asthma Management.
  6. Optionally, select the Date Parameter:
    • On - a specific date, for example, 1st January 2022
    • After - after a specific date, for example, after 31st December 2022
    • On or After - from a specific date, including that date. for example, from 1st January inclusive
    • Before - prior to a specific date, for example, before 1st January 2022
    • On or Before - earlier than a specific date, including that date. for example, before 31st December inclusive
    • Not on - all events apart from a specific date
    • Between - between a range of dates
  7. Select More for additional Rule Parameters.
  8. Use the parameters and operators explained below to build up the Rules for the select Rule Node.
    Note - A Rule List can range from one rule to multiple however there must be at least one Select and one Reject outcome in the The True and False actions control the outcomes of the Rule Line. A Rule Node must finish with a Select or Reject statement, either in the True or False position..
  9. Once the Rule Node has Rules you can test the Pathway, see Test Rule Nodes.

Rule Parameters and Operators

The Rules are built up from a set of Parameters and Operators:

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