Report Notifications

Notifications enable you to create Alerts, Lists , Reports and/or link to Calculators.

The Alerts display to clinicians when viewing a patient record, displaying importing information relating to the patent and enable quick data entry.

To create a Notification:

  1. From your Pathway, select the Rule Node you wish to create a notification for.
  2. From the toolbar in the Notification group, select either:
    • Select to create a select notification (Green route to the right of the node), or,
    • Reject to create a reject notification (Red route to the left of the node).
    The new Notification displays:

  3. Select More from the Alert/List Entry at the lower section of the view.

  4. Edit the Description if required, this is the indicator text that displays for the selected Notification output:

  5. Configure the Notification settings:
    • Due - set to activate the prior notification, for example, 1 month before the action is due.
      Note - Practices need to have Forward Dating activated to enable this feature.
    • Alternative period for country - internal use only, leave blank.
    • Alert - select to display Description text in an indicator pop-up window and an alert within a template.
    • List - select to generate a Practice List based on the Rule Node it is connected to.
    • Category Analysis - select to enable percentage rations against the practice list in Practice Reports.
    • Payment Report - generates a report in the Payment Report section of Practice Reports.
    • Priority - set the priority of the alerts, this changes the text colour.
      Low - black text
      Medium - amber text
      High - red text
    • Result - switch between a Select or Reject Notification.
    • Codeset - displays the linked Codeset, this can be changed if you want to direct the user to a different Codeset.
    • Groups - groups of Codesets can be added where any code selected deactivates the alert.
    • Exceptions - link to a Codeset to set an exclusion to the rule.
    • Headings - List Notifications can be placed into defined Report Headings, select the Heading from the drop-down list.
    • Action - control results (values) of an alert to be represented via a graph or calculator.
  6. Select Ok to update the Settings.