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New Features in Pharmacy Manager (3:29)

Pharmacy Manager Release 15.5

Pharmacy Manager release 15.5 introduces the following features and improvements:

England Only

  • Introduction of the National Care Records Service (NCRS) - Pharmacy Manager now integrates with the National Care Records Service (NCRS). The NCRS is an NHS Digital service that replaces the previous 1-click service to view a patient's Summary Care Record. This integration allows you to directly navigate to a patient's National Care Record to view additional information and assist with clinical support and patient care.

    Further information as to the data available within the NCRS is available at https://digital.nhs.uk/services/national-care-records-service.
    A new audit report is also available, see Running the NCRS - Audit Report for more details.
  • Patient Facing Application Integration - Pharmacy Manager now provides the functionality to integrate with various patient facing applications (apps) in England. Once integration is activated, providing the patient is registered in Pharmacy Manager they can request repeat items and receive dispensing stage notifications through their chosen app. This can reduce the communication workload for your pharmacy.

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