Initial Vision Views

There are a number of pre-defined options available in Standard system-distributed options. As you select them, they are added as copies to My Personalised Settings.

Each view is different but there are some common aspects:

  • A summary data view screen, usually in tabbed format. Most tabs display data in one of two ways either
    • Journal lists, displaying data chronologically, or
    • Summary Lists with data grouped into expandable categories.
  • A data entry Add screen, often a READ term Add.

Descriptions of some of the Standard-Distributed views are given below, and then each tab is explained.

Select a topic below to expand the section:


These are the tabs that are present on the standard distributed views for Vision 3:

  • Appointments tab: Initial Views 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Repeat issues, District Nursing, Health Visiting, OT, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy, *POMR - (the appointments list for current GP and others)
  • Therapy tab: Initial Views 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Repeat issues, *Enhanced, *POMR - (current medication, scripts, repeat masters). Initially the data entry Therapy Add form may be hidden, but can be redisplayed either by just starting to type a drug name, or by pressing Esc.
  • History Tab: Initial Views 1, 2, *Enhanced, *POMR - (History entries and optionally: referrals, letters, family history, advice to patient, absence of condition, notepad)
  • Prevention tab: Initial Views 1, 2, *Enhanced - (resembling VAMP Medical Prevention screen)
  • Consultation Tab: Initial Views 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, *POMR - (lists of consultations)
  • Test Summary Tab: Initial Views 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, *Enhanced - (summary of all the patient's test results grouped by category). Abnormal results are shown in red.
  • Tests List Tab: Initial Views 1, 3 (see Test View)
  • Freehand Tab: Initial Views 2, *Enhanced - (resembles VAMP Medical Freehand screen for disease management)
  • Journal View: Initial Views 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, - (list of all entries)
  • Guidelines tab: Initial Views 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, *Enhanced, *POMR - (similar to Management tab where guidelines, management plans and PILS can be displayed)
  • Filtered View: Initial Views 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, *POMR - (filtering data selected on the navigation pane)
  • Problems / Timeline: Initial Views 6, 7, 8, *POMR - (displaying data by problems and timeline) - see Problem Oriented Medical Records
  • Patient Browser Links tab - not included on any standard-distributed view but can be incorporated into any personalised view
  • Shared Information - Data Entry tab - District Nursing, Health Visiting, OT, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy,
  • Shared Information - Details tab - District Nursing, Health Visiting, OT, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy,
  • ADL Patient Details tab - District Nursing, Health Visiting, OT, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy,
  • ADL Data Entry tab - District Nursing, Health Visiting, OT, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy,
  • District Nursing tab - District Nursing
  • Health Visiting tab - Health Visiting
  • Occupational Therapy tab - OT
  • Physiotherapy Assessment tab - Physiotherapy
  • Physiotherapy Interventions tab - Physiotherapy
  • Speech and Language Therapy tab - Speech and Language Therapy

There are extra Summary and Filtered tabs available which are described at the end of this section.

* The Enhanced and POMR (Problem Oriented) Views can be selected as pre-defined options when you use the new Consultation wizard (see Configure your own Consultation Framework (Patient Record Views)).

These are the extra panes available on some views:

  • Navigation & Alerts: Initial Views 4, 5, 6, 7, - see Navigation pane on Vision 3 Framework and Alerts on Navigation pane (Vision 3 Framework)
  • Alerts only: Maternity, Asthma, Diabetes
  • Cons. View / topics: Initial View 3, 6, 7,

    Note - You can change the look of an existing view and even decide which entries it includes. You can also define your own views (see Data View Options for tabs.

Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.