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General Introduction to Vision 3 Tabs

On the Vision 3 Patient Record :


  • Tabs display data in one of two ways: either Journal listing chronologically (but which can sorted by date, clinician and description by clicking on a column heading); or Summary lists where data is grouped into categories.
  • The tabs can vary between views.
  • The order of tabs and what data they show is user-definable (see Data View Options for tabs).

Data can be sorted:

  • By just clicking on the column heading (Date, Description, Clinician etc) as a usual Windows function.
  • In addition, on the Therapy tab of the new View, you can sort therapy lists by action group.
  • Most tabs can be sorted by date and clinician.
  • On the History / Journal / Filtered tabs, data can also be sorted by description, READ code, or type of data.
  • The Consultation tab (if included) can be sorted by consultation type.

Data can be added usually via an Addscreen shown in the bottom pane:

Most views have a data entry form at the bottom, and in most cases this is READ term Add (or on Therapy, either Acute or Repeats Add). Just start typing a READ keyword in the READ window (if the keyword you typed does not produce the term you want, press F3 for the full READ select screen), or type # then a READ code. Once OK is pressed, and if Automatically SelectBest SDA is switched on, it will switch to the specific Add form.

  • On some tabs, such as Prevention and Freehand, if you click once on a line in the Data View, the corresponding data entry screen is shown. For instance, on the Prevention tab, highlighting a BP line displays the Blood Pressure - Add screen.
  • Right click on any line on a data view and select Add.
  • If you double click a line in a data view, the Display screen is shown instead. This is true of all tabs except Next Patient, Appointments, Guidelines, Consultation, Patient Details.
  • You can hide or display the Data-Add pane by pressing Esc - this has the advantage of showing a full list on the data view pane. Clicking on Cancel also hides the data entry form. Pressing the + key (no need for Shift) also hides or displays the data entry form, if the focus is not on the form.
  • If you then want to add an entry when the form is hidden, just start typing a READ description for the READ pop-up (or drug name on Therapy tab) - this works on most tabs. Or press Esc to redisplay the data entry form. Or just right click -Add on a data line of similar category, eg a Weight entry, to display the Weight Add form.
  • If you select a Vision 3 view with a Navigation pane (eg Initial View 4 or 5) on the left-hand side, this has a tree-like hierarchy summarising the patient's data which can be shown selectively in the Filtered tab.
  • To add a record for a category where the patient does not have existing data, right click on Initial Filter at the top of the navigation pane, and select Show items with no data. This places a CM PRV Expand Icon by each category, not just the ones where the patient has data. If you expand a category, this will then show all possible data entries for that category. Then just left click one of these lines to display the corresponding data entry form.

Navigation Pane


  • Display the patient's due or over due reviews, recalls, missing information etc.

Floating Drop Target

  • The Drag and Drop can be used on most tabs. Drag an entry and drop it on to one of the icons on the Floating Drop Target. This is particularly useful from the Therapy tab, where you can make an acute into a repeat, or copy an acute or repeat.

Keyboard use on new views

  • On a tabbed view, you can use Control ® or Control - Tab to move to the next tab, as long as the focus is originally within the window of a tab (ie the cursor is highlighting a line).
  • Control ¬ or Control - Shift- Tab moves to the previous tab.
  • You can set up your own "hot" keys for tabs in Data View Options by placing an & before the letter in the Tab title that you want to be the hot key, eg for the Filtered tab, change the tab title to &Filtered, to create Filtered, so Control - F reaches the Filtered tab.
    Note - You must avoid Windows keys used already, such as Control C, Control V, Control A.
  • If you have a line selected, eg within the Journal view, Shift-F10 is equivalent to doing a right mouse click, and displays the right mouse menu.
  • On the navigation pane, using the ¬ and ® arrows when the focus is on a heading either collapses or expands its subheadings respectively.
  • Control A will select all text, eg, on a Journal view, should you wish to copy (Control C) and paste (Control V).

In this section

Data View Options for Tabs

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