Prevention Tab

Prevention screen in List Format

The Prevention tab is only available on Initials Views 1 and 2 of the Vision 3 Framework of Patient Record. It bears a strong resemblance to the VAMP Medical Prevention screen with familiar lines in the same order for Allergy/Intolerance, Blood Pressure, Cervical Cytology, Smoking, Alcohol, Recall, Immunisations, CHS, Height, Weight, and Occupation.

When you initially view the screen in list format, all lines are collapsed, so only the latest record is shown against each category (except for immunisations). The number in brackets after the category indicates how many clinical records are in that category.

  1. Click on the CM PRV Expand Icon to expand the lines in that category, and show any earlier records.
  2. Click on CM PRV Expand Icon to collapse the lines and show the latest record only.
    • Hide Data Entry form - If you click on Cancel on the data entry form in the bottom pane, or press + on your keyboard, this Add screen is hidden and you are able to see more of the listed entries. Pressing + key again redisplays the Add form.
    • Add - As you highlight a category line where there is existing data, eg Allergy, an corresponding Add screen is shown in the bottom section.

From any displayed Add screen in the bottom pane of the Prevention tab, you can also click on the selection arrow to the left of the Skip To button at the bottom right. Scroll up and down to find the category you want, then click on Skip To. The relevant Add screen displays. You can also use the Previous or Next buttons to the left of the window. For instance, if the Drug Allergy and Intolerance Add form displays, click on Next repeatedly until you reach the form you want.

CM PRV Prevention Tab Contracept

Note - If the data entry form is hidden, just starting to type pops up an Add screen.

The Prevention tab - all lines are collapsed, ie showing only the latest dated line in each category

Finish a screen by clicking on OK, though you can also add Health Promotion data if there is an HP button, or Notes.

Note - If you finish the screen incompletely, you will see the message: The Data entered in this form has not been saved. You may choose to save data before continuing [use the Save Data button] or you may wish to discard your changes [use Discard Changes]. Alternatively, pressing Cancel will allow you to complete the form manually. Make sure to select Save Form to retain an entry.
  • Display details of existing entry - Double click on any line on the Prevention tab where there is data to display the corresponding Display screen, eg Smoking-Display, in the bottom pane. You can also right click and select Item View.
  • Edit - To edit a line, point to it, right mouse click then select Edit. The bottom pane changes to a relevant Update screen. Make your amendment and click OK.

    You will also find when you have the relevant Display screen displayed, an extra Update or Edit button is enabled on the toolbar, so you can go on to edit the screen.

  • Floating toolbar - Drag an item from the Prevention tab on to the pop-up floating toolbar and drop it on one of the icons: Another, Make Referral, Recall, Windows clipboard.
  • Delete - To delete a line, right click on it and select Delete. This displays a Delete screen with a Delete button. Click on this button to confirm the deletion.

Prevention screen in grid format

If you can see these icons, you can use them to switch between list view and grid format (snapcard view). If you do not have these icons showing, point to the Prevention tab header, right click, View Options, and check both Show List and Show Data Grid. The screen will refresh when you OK.

When the grid format displays, only rows with data are shown. Click on the top left cell to show all rows (or right click anywhere and select Restore all rows).

If you point to a cell with an entry or icon, and hover with the mouse, further details about the data are displayed in a pop-up window.

Click on any arrow pointing right to move the grid display to later dates in columns currently hidden; or click on any left pointing arrow to see earlier data, eg

  • To add an entry, click on the cell either in the far right column on the row you want, or on the far left cell with the row title. The relevant Add entry screen is shown in the bottom pane.
  • To edit an entry, point to the cell, right click and select Edit.

Prevention tab view in grid format

Change what displays on Prevention tab

Right click on the Prevention tab header and select View Options.

  1. Show User Column - If Show User Column box is ticked, this will display the initials of an admin person who is logged on during data entry of a record.
  2. Show List and Show Data Grid - If you select both Show List and Show Data Grid, this places the icons at the top right of the Prevention screen, so you always have the choice of the way Prevention data displays.

For help with using the View Properties form, see Summary View Properties.

The default is Display data from one category with category of PREVENT.

Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.