Patient Contacts Overview
Details of a patient's carers and next of kin can be added within Vision 3, they do not have to be registered at your practice:
If the carer or next of kin is a patient registered at your practice - Many of their details can complete automatically from Registration.
If the carer or next of kin is not a patient registered at your practice - All details must be entered, including the date on which the contact gave permission for contact details to be recorded.
You can report on all carers recorded or a group, and the patients they care for in Search and Reports, see Carers Report in the Search and Reports Help Centre for details.
Important - Contacts, including non-patient contacts, have the right under the Data Protection Act to see what information is held about them on your system. One way to do this is explained in What information is Held about a Carer? for details.
See Adding Patient Contacts, Adding Contacts of [name of patient], Patients whose contact is [name] and If a Contact Registers as a New Patient for details.
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