Managing User Accounts
User accounts can be viewed, set up and maintained from the Organisational Services - User screen.
The following tabs display depending on your user rights:
User Name - Usually the user's NHS email address.
Surname, Forename, Title, Sex - The user's name, title and gender information.
Display Name and Short Name - The name that displays on screen and a short reference name.
Password and Re-enter Password - See Resetting a Password for a Shared Care User for details.
Employer Department - Organisation and Department details where appropriate.
Valid from - The date the user was set up or activated.
Status - See Inactivating a Shared Care User for details.
Prescriber Number - Tick to indicate the user is a prescriber.
The User Roles tab displays:
Service Name - The name of the service you are viewing.
Users Add - Select to add an existing user to a service and role.
List of Users - The list of users that can use this service (going down the screen).
List of roles available - The list of roles available for this service (going across the screen)
The Apps tab displays the Vision360 applications that a specified user can access by organisation.
The Vision 3 tab displays details of any Vision 3 practice that a user is linked to.