Navigation Pane

Using the Navigation Pane in the Patient's Record (1.15)

The navigation pane to the left hand side of your screen, works in conjunction with the Filtered tab:

Note - The navigation pane is excluded from Initial Views 1, 2 and 3.
  • Select Expand to expand the text beneath a heading, Expand only displays where there is data stored or a sub-level menu.

  • Select Collapse to collapse text to the heading only.

Available options

The list of data types displays the number of records in each category. Many have a right click option with a choice of Management Plan, Summary form or Data Grid to view, add or edit data and some have sub-menus:

Note - You must have a Guidelines tab to be able to access the Management Plan screens.
  • Initial filter - Right click to access the following options:

    • Save selection as Initial Filter - Select to set up a personal initial view for when a patient is selected. Holding the Ctrl key, select from the navigation pane the items you wish to display on your initial view, now right click on Initial View and select Save selection as Initial Filter.

      To limit history entries to specific priorities, for example, to limit the history entries to priorities 1, 2 and 7:

      1. Right click on Initial Filter and tick Show Items with no data.

      2. From the navigation pane, expand Medical History.

      3. Holding the Ctrl key, select the items required, for example, Priority 1 , 2 and 7 items.

      4. Right click on Initial Filter again, and select Save selection as Initial Filter.

        Note - Initial Filters only apply to the Vision 3 view they were set up in.
    • Rename Initial Filter - Select to rename your Initial Filter.
    • Show items with no data - Tick to display options with no data recorded on the navigation pane, those without data display with a (0) against them.
  • Problems - Select to display the Problems tab, if there is one. The patient's active problems list, see Problem Orientated Medical Records for details.
  • Consultation - Select to display the Consultation tab and list the patient's consultations.
  • Drug Allergies and Adverse Reactions - Select to display all drug and non-drug allergies, intolerances and adverse reactions, seeViewing Allergy Information for details.
  • Recalls and Reviews includes:
    • Recalls, either outstanding, not yet due or completed, cancelled, or those inactive outstanding recalls created as a one-off.
    • Data Entry Cautions.
    • Medication Review.
  • Patient Preference includes:
    • Language Spoken - Also displays in Appointments - Demographic information and Registration - Patient Preference tab.
    • Language Read - Also displays in Appointments - Demographic information and Registration - Patient Preference tab.
    • Patient Preference.
  • Medical History includes:
    • Medical History entries which can be further sub-divided by priority.
    • Referrals
    • Requests
    • Family History
    • Absence of Condition.
  • Therapy includes:
    • Acute and Repeat Issues
    • Repeat masters
  • Lifestyle
    See Lifestyle for details.
  • Examination Findings
    See Examination Findings for details.
  • Miscellaneous - If you have existing Miscellaneous data, you can select on the sub-levels to display the relevant Add screen. If there is no existing data in Miscellaneous, set the Initial Filter to Show items with no data, sub-menus include:
    • Correspondence
    • MED3 Doctors Statements
    • Donor Details
    • Ethnicity
    • Religion
    • Notepad
    • Multimedia Attachments (see Attachments to Patient Record),
    • Referral Message Digest (for e-Referral England).
    • Clinical Trail Participation
    • Research Study Participation

The Alerts pane displays under the navigation pane, see Alerts for details.

Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.