Summary/Grid Tab
The Summary/Grid tab requires a navigation pane where specific categories have a right click Summary or Data Grid option. This option is set up by selecting Filterable from Data View Options - Summary View Properties, see Data View Options for Tabs for details.
Selecting Summary displays a Summary list by category of the entries. The latest record is shown in each category, you can expand a category by select Expand +.
From the Summary/Grid tab, any Add screen has a navigation option at the bottom. You can select from the available list to display the next Add screen required and then select Skip to, or simply select Next to move through the screens without adding data:
Selecting Data Grid shows the same data in grid format.
The Data Grid format is very similar to a Management Plan and works in the same way. The differences are that a Data Grid format:
- Is shown under the Summary/Grid tab.
- Has no Management Plan toolbar to use for navigation.
- Can switch to the Summary format and vice versa using Summary/Grid
On both Summary or Data Grid, a data entry screen displays in the bottom pane, which can be hidden or displayed by pressing either Esc on your keyboard or +.