Initial Views and Other Vision 3 Frameworks

From the PatientRecord tab in Consultation - Options - Setup, there are a number of pre-defined options in Standard system-distributed options. As you select these, they are listed as copies under My Personalised Settings.

It is easy to swap views even while a patient is selected (seeOptions for Vision 3 Framework ).

Each view varies, but the common factors are:

  • The top section of the screen shows a summary data view screen, usually in tabbed format, and each view varying the tabs displayed. Using a Multiline tab option, the tabs can be arranged in rows so all are visible at one time (see Data View Options for Tabs - Organiser Tabs) and tabs can be added or removed from views. Most tabs display data in one of two ways: either Journal lists, displaying data chronologically (eg Journal tab, Tests lists tab), and Summary Lists with data grouped into expandable categories (eg Prevention, Freehand, Tests Summary).
  • The bottom section shows a data entry Add screen, often a READ term Add. In the Therapy tab, it is a Acute or Repeat Master Add.
  • Some views include the left-hand navigation pane (the MRO column) with expandable categories (see Navigation pane on Vision 3 Framework). There is an Alerts section beneath.
  • An optional Consultation View with topics can be included in the right-hand pane.

Descriptions of some of the Standard-Distributed views are given below, and then each tab is explained.

These are the tabs that are present on the standard distributed views for Vision 3 Framework:

  • Patient Select tab: Initial Views 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Repeat issues, District Nursing, Health Visiting, OT, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy, *Enhanced, *POMR - (Select patient, Recent Patients from last four patients selected)
  • Patient Details tab: Initial Views 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, District Nursing, Health Visiting, OT, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy, *POMR - (Registration and editing of contact numbers, identifiers, family, and carers)
  • The Appointments List: Initial Views 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Repeat issues, District Nursing, Health Visiting, OT, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy, *POMR - (the appointments list for current GP and others)
  • Therapy tab: Initial Views 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Repeat issues, *Enhanced, *POMR - (current medication, scripts, repeat masters). Initially the data entry Therapy Add form may be hidden, but can be redisplayed either by just starting to type a drug name, or by pressing Esc.
  • History Tab: Initial Views 1, 2, *Enhanced, *POMR - (History entries and optionally: referrals, letters, family history, advice to patient, absence of condition, notepad)
  • Prevention tab: Initial Views 1, 2, *Enhanced - (resembling VAMP Medical Prevention screen)
  • Consultation Tab: Initial Views 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, *POMR - (lists of consultations)
  • Test Summary Tab: Initial Views 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, *Enhanced - (summary of all the patient's test results grouped by category). Abnormal results are shown in red.
  • Tests List Tab: Initial Views 1, 3 (see Test View)
  • Freehand Tab: Initial Views 2, *Enhanced - (resembles VAMP Medical Freehand screen for disease management)
  • Journal View: Initial Views 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, - (list of all entries)
  • Guidelines tab: Initial Views 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, *Enhanced, *POMR - (similar to Management tab where guidelines, management plans and PILS can be displayed)
  • Filtered View: Initial Views 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, *POMR - (filtering data selected on the navigation pane)
  • Problems / Timeline: Initial Views 6, 7, 8, *POMR - (displaying data by problems and timeline) - see Problem Oriented Medical Records
  • Patient Browser Links tab - not included on any standard-distributed view but can be incorporated into any personalised view
  • Shared Information - Data Entry tab - District Nursing, Health Visiting, OT, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy,
  • Shared Information - Details tab - District Nursing, Health Visiting, OT, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy,
  • ADL Patient Details tab - District Nursing, Health Visiting, OT, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy,
  • ADL Data Entry tab - District Nursing, Health Visiting, OT, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy,
  • District Nursing tab - District Nursing
  • Health Visiting tab - Health Visiting
  • Occupational Therapy tab - OT
  • Physiotherapy Assessment tab - Physiotherapy
  • Physiotherapy Interventions tab - Physiotherapy
  • Speech and Language Therapy tab - Speech and Language Therapy

There are extra Summary and Filtered tabs available which are described at the end of this section.

* The Enhanced and POMR (Problem Oriented) Views can be selected as pre-defined options when you use the new Consultation wizard (see Configure your own Consultation Framework (Patient Record Views)).

These are the extra panes available on some views:

Note - You can change the look of an existing view and even decide which entries it includes. You can also define your own views see Data View Options for Tabs for details.

In this section

Initial View 1

Initial View 2

Initial View 3

Initial View 4

Initial View 5

Initial View 6

Initial View 7

Initial View 8

Repeat Issues View

District Nursing View and Health Visiting Views

District Nursing Data Entry Guideline

Speech and Language Therapy view

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