
Viewing Warnings and Alerts in the Patient's Record (0.42)

Alerts display in the bottom left corner of the Consultation Manager screen:

You can also select Alerts to view them across your full screen.

Training Tip - If you use a Vision 3 view without a navigation pane, when you select Alerts , they display to the left of your screen.

Depending on the data missing or items due/overdue the following may display:

  • Drug allergy status not recorded - Indicates no drug allergy information is recorded:
    • Add Drug Allergy - Select to record a drug allergy.
    • Add No Drug Allergy - Select to record an absence of drug allergies. This records in Absence of Condition.
  • Registration Details incomplete - Indicates the patient's registration process is not finished:
    • Registration - Select to open Registration with the current patient selected. You can then complete the necessary registration details as required.
  • Health Promotion missing - Indicates data is recorded that should have Health Promotion:
    • Health Promotion - Select to view and add Health Promotion data, missing records display in red.
  • CM PRV Current Recalls Current recalls due in next month - Any active recalls due next month display.
  • Immunisations Due in the Next Month - Any immunisations due in the next month display.
  • Ex-services - Displays if Ex-services is selected in the patient's Registration record.
  • CM PRV Actions Due Current Actions Due in Next Month - Any actions due in the next month display. These are recorded in Notepad.
  • , a Contact Verification Required alert displays if a patient has unverified contact details. To mark a contact type as verified, simply double click the alert to display the Patient Details screen, highlight the contact information that is not verified, select Edit, tick Verified and select OK.

  • Deleted Records exist for this patient, see Deleting Entries for details.

Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.