Release 10.5.2 (May 2019)

  • Falsified medicines directive (FMD) - Compliance with the new FMD regulatory requirements will be provided by Cegedim Rx. It will be provided at two levels. A basic standalone version with no significant links to Pharmacy Manager and a sophisticated integrated product where FMD functionality is linked directly into Pharmacy Manager.
    • Standalone FMD solution - Our full Help Centre, containing a series of help topics, frequently asked questions, video tutorials and eLearning is available from FMD Help Centre.

    The Standalone FMD solution has a minimal impact on Pharmacy Manager other than the need to generate barcoded bag labels, see Pharmacy Details - Dispensing tab for details.

  • Printer drivers for FMD - To accommodate your existing label printer, it is now possible for you to use your label printer with either a Windows or non-Windows driver:
    • If you currently use a Windows printer driver, you only need to ensure you have selected the barcoded bag label option.
    • If you currently use a non-Windows printer driver, you can now select one of the following options to print barcoded bag labels for FMD:
      • Switch to a Windows driver as outline above

      • Remain with the non-Windows and similarly select the bag label barcode option

See Printing with Windows drivers

See Pharmacy Details - Dispensing


Late collection of instalments

Instalment prescriptions covering more than one day should be collected on the specified day. If this collection is missed, the remainder of the instalment (i.e. the instalment less the amount prescribed for the day(s) missed) may be supplied.


Pharmacy Manager handles late collections of instalments which cover more than a day.


See also Instalment Dispensing and Managing Dispensed Instalments for further coverage on instalment dispensing.

The rules differ between regions so separate explanation for England, Scotland & Wales is provided

MUR data retention  

The data collected from each MUR must be kept for two years from the date the service is completed.  


A change has been made in Pharmacy Manager to ensure the system operates to this rule. Consequently it shall not be possible to delete a patient/record from the system where two years has not elapsed since the MUR has been completed.

Prescriber management

Some enhancements have been made to the way the prescriber of an electronic prescription is recorded. They are aimed at improving system performance by removing the impact of duplicate versions of the same prescriber arising.


When an electronic prescription is processed, there will be no opportunity to update the prescriber detail as you progress through the “Select prescriber” stage of the patient selection wizard, consequently removing the chance of duplicating the prescriber which could otherwise have a performance impact.


The system will apply the prescriber automatically if they do not already exist.


This mode of operation applies to electronic prescriptions in England, Scotland & Wales.


Prescriber entries for non-electronic prescriptions may still cause the generation of duplicates, but with careful selection of the prescriber you will build accurate records.


See Frequently used for more details

eCDR - electronic controlled drugs register

An electronic controlled drug register has been established in Pharmacy Manager for some time now.


We have received feedback and several suggestions have been incorporated to enhance the feature.


Now, any items that have not had all the mandatory fields filled will remain as "in progress" and will only be included in any eCDR output when they have been "completed".


When no date range is entered for printing the eCDR, the systems defaults to a start date of the 1st day of the current month  to the current date.


As an operational safeguard, there is no longer a default for whoever has collected the medication. Previously, the system defaulted to the patient. Whilst this may be the most common option, it was seen as being too easy to inadvertently leave it unchanged. See Select Collector


See also eCD Register overview

Additional MAR chart layout

A new MAR chart layout has been incorporated.


It includes the typical MAR chart grid with the potential of printing  MAR Charts and associated request sheets on different colours/types of paper. For example, you could use white paper in Tray1 for the MAR Chart. You could use yellow paper in Tray2 for the Doctor's sheet  and pink paper in Tray3 for the Carehome's record sheet.

  • Also, there is space for pharmacy check/initials

  • A logo can be included in the top right corner.

  • Alternate white/shaded columns for easy reference on the MAR Chart..

  • Date and time stamping so if reprints are ever needed, it is clear which is the latest MAR Chart copy.

  • A prescription request sheet for the patient's GP along with a copy for the carehome's records.


See Custom MAR chart

Private prescription register enhancements

The presentation of total values and sub-totals in the register has been clarified.


When a fully dispensed private prescription is recorded, each line item price is displayed along with the total price.


When an item is partially dispensed, the full line item price is still displayed in the register. When the remaining balance is dispensed,  it displays a zero value, as the full value has already been recorded.


This ensures that prices are always consistently shown.


  See Private prescription register layout

Important note - Explanation update

Cegedim's Service Desk have received a number of calls relating to duplicated entries in MDS scenarios.


  See Subsequent dispensing. The topic provides some updated information on how the system should be used to prevent this happening.

Repeat Rx correction

A small but significant defect has been resolved where two options had ended up with the same functionality.


Each repeat item on the prescription can be updated independently. The status of each item is signified by a symbol in the left hand column beside the item. Clicking the currently displayed symbol cycles through the settings.

  • The green tick in the left hand column beside the item continues to mean "Yes please repeat". The item status in Repeats view will change to  be Request Pending.

  • If the item is not required, a red cross should be selected. Thered cross needs to mean "No thank you this month". The item will disappear from Repeats view, but it would stay on repeat and move forward 28 days.

  • A blue exclamation mark continues to mean "Do nothing". The item gets ignored and won't appear in Repeats view nor will it move forward 28 days.

Unfortunately, the red cross evolved to the same function as the blue exclamation mark, by taking it off repeats altogether. This has now been corrected.

Quick repeat request

The quick repeat request letter has been enhanced with the inclusion of the date of printing.


eCDR - electronic controlled drugs register

An electronic controlled drug register has been integrated into Pharmacy Manager.

You can activate it if you want to use it or you can continue with your existing bound book system without there being any impact on your mode of operation.

To help your decision in determining how advantageous it will be for your pharmacy, you could choose to keep both manual and computerised systems operating in parallel for a short period. Then, if the electronic version does not deliver the expected benefits, you can disable the configuration option and continue operating with the existing bound book system.


The electronic controlled drug register satisfies current legal requirements and recognised best practice to provide improved efficiency.

See also eCD Register overview


The key areas of the eCDR functionality that will require your early familiarisation are:

See Configuration

See Opening balances

See Recording CD supplies

See Recording CD receipts

See Running balances and adjustments

See Instalment Dispensing and the eCDR

Electronic transfer of claims (Wales only)

Electronic claims can now be submitted for prescriptions in Wales.

This version of Pharmacy Manager introduces the electronic transmission of prescription claims (ETC) from the pharmacy to NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP). 

The paper 2DRx prescription still remains the legal document, so endorsements should still be printed (or handwritten) in addition to the claim being submitted electronically ETC).


See Endorsements and electronic claims for general guidance

See Waste reduction scheme endorsing for specific guidance on this endorsement

See also 2DRx MDS repeat dispensing

CMS enhancements (Scotland only)

Proposed date of first dispensing

You can defer dispensing the first iteration of a CMS prescription series when there is uncertainty of the start date of the prescription. For example, you may require confirmation of the start date from the patient. 


  See Proposed date of first dispensing

CMS Time-line

It will now be possible to change the next dispensing date of the upcoming episode of the serial prescription from the CMS patient time-line. This will change all future iteration dates for this prescription accordingly.


See Patient Details - CMS Data

Park a prescription

If you are unsure when you are going to dispense the first iteration of a CMS prescription, it will now be possible to park that prescription. Effectively, this will set the prescription aside so you do not inadvertently start. Furthermore, you will be able to un-park when you are ready to start dispensing a parked prescription.


  See Park a prescription

Prescription grouping

  • Prescription grouping can continue to take place so long as valid patient matching exists – Patient details are the same - name, NHS number, date of birth, gender, address, postcode and prescriber. All prescriptions selected for grouping must be of status New - Ready to dispense.

  • For EPSR2 configured systems in England, whilst it is possible to separately group either two or more EPSR1 prescriptions or two or more EPSR2 prescriptions so long as the other criteria are met, it is not possible to group together a mixture of EPSR1 and EPSR2 prescriptions.

  • As a consequence of the introduction of item level expiry it is not possible to group together prescription items that have less than 28 days until they expire (schedule 2,3 or 4 CDs) with items that have in excess of 28 days (schedule 5 CD or items without a CD schedule) until they expire.


Item level expiry

In order to comply with an NHSD requirement, Pharmacy Manager has introduced a concept known as item level expiry. Previously when a prescription contained e.g. a prescription with a schedule 4 controlled drug and an item without a controlled drug schedule, the whole prescription would be liable to expire after 28 days, even though the unscheduled item would , on its own only expire after 6 months from the prescribed date.

Now when a prescription contains a mix of controlled and non-controlled drugs. Schedule 2, 3 and 4 controlled drugs will expire after 28 days whilst Schedule 5 controlled drugs, and drugs with no CD schedule continue to expire after 6 months so can continue to be dispensed.

If a prescription contains a Schedule 2, 3 or 4 controlled drug, for example, and an unscheduled item, the scheduled item will expire after 28 days when not dispensed, leaving the unscheduled item remaining dispensible for 6 months.