Summary of Standard Reports

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The following standard reports are available in Pharmacy Manager:

All Countries

  • Brand Substitution Losses - This report returns the price differential when a brand has been dispensed as opposed to a generic using the trade price of the former and the tariff price of the latter.

  • Cautions/Directions - A simple option to print all cautions or directions.

  • Communication Diagnostics - Reports on the success or failure of order transmissions to the specified supplier/order set during a selected date range period.

  • Conditions - A straightforward list of conditions with no filtering options.

  • Dispensed Item Report - A choice ranging from simple to potentially complex reporting with multiple filters available: Product, Dispensed item, Date range, Prescriber.

    See Dispensed Item Report for more information.
  • Duplicate Product Report - A straightforward list of duplicated items. Duplication may occur when you enter an item that has not yet appeared in the master data. When the item is added to the master data updates, a duplication arises.

  • EPS R2 Claims Totals (FP34c) - Produce an FP34c Report between chosen date range.

    See FP34C report for more information.
  • Individual Intervention Report - Report on a specific intervention for a chosen patient.

    See Intervention Reports for more information.
  • Intervention Statistics Report - Statistics report on interventions made in a chosen period of time.

    See Intervention Reports for more information.
  • Low/Dead/Excess Stock - Low stock is based on a comparison of current stock and the maximum daily usage value over a designated period. Dead stock is classified as items that are in stock but have not been used over a designated period. Excess stock in excess of a given number of times the maximum daily usage over a specified number of months.

  • Message Dynamics Statistics Report - Statistics report on Message Dynamics activity for a chosen period.

    See Message Dynamics Statistics Report for more information.
  • NHS Totals (FP34) - Produce an FP34 Report between chosen date range.

  • Non Compliance - Reports on the patients who have had successive prescriptions for the same medication item in a shorter period of time than expected for the initial dispensed quantity. You can fine tune the report by applying a date range.

  • OAP Patient list - A straightforward list of patients over 65 years of age.

  • Often Owed Products - Over a date range the items that have been owed in excess of a given number of times.

  • Owings - A straightforward report that only uses a date range filter. The report returns a list of what medication is owed; to which patient it was owed; and from when it was originally owed.

  • Patient History - A report that returns the history events recorded in a selected patient's history over a date range. You can select from one to all event types.

    See Patient History Report for more information.
  • Patient Report - A report that returns the patient that matches the criteria you select.

  • Personal List Changes Report - Allows you to monitor changes to your personal product list. There are two options to refine the results. A date filter allows you to select changes made during a particular period, whilst a further option allows you to search only for products added to the personal list or to those deleted.

  • Prescriber Report - A report that lists all the prescribers recorded in the system. These can be refined to reflect an individual practice. Furthermore, you can report on the prescriber's registered patients.

  • Prescription Throughput report - You can return dispensing activity statistics over a date range at the interval you choose. Typically you would be able to see your processed prescription volumes at hourly or two hourly intervals each day during the specified period.

  • Private Prescription Register - Report on items dispensed by private prescriptions.

  • Product Report - Allows you to search for products that meet the product filters you choose.

  • Product Usage - Using Product and date range filters, you can produce summary reports of items where usage is recorded. You can choose to report on the data as daily, weekly or monthly values.

  • Repeat Rx Report - Allows you to identify Repeat Rx prescriptions in any specified state. Fine tuning allows you to select none, one or more states and a date range.

  • Responsible Pharmacist Report - Responsible Pharmacist activity report.

  • Script Throughput report - Prescribed item throughput, totalled by NHS & Private Prescription items.

  • Stock Adjustments - If stock adjustment reasons are configured, this report will inform you of any changes that have been made and the value of potential losses.

  • Supplier Usage Report - Usage over a given number of months of all products in the system or those chosen by type (brand, generic, PI) and/or supplier or order set.

  • Top N Usage - Reporting on a selected number of products by value or by volume over a date range, this report can return figures as daily, weekly or monthly values.

  • User Entered Item report - Allows you to search for products that have been manually added to the system by you.

England only

  • Audit Report - Patient - A report of all audited patient based activity.
  • Audit Report - SCR - A report of all audited 1-Click Summary Care Record activity.
  • Audit Report - Security - A report of all audited security activity.
  • Audit Report - System - A report of all audited system activity.
  • Audit Summary Report - User Activity - A report of all audited security activity.
  • Intervention Report - You can generate a report for a single intervention type over the whole database or any date range.

    See Intervention Reports for more information.
  • EPS R2 Nomination candidate report - Report on patients who have received or are potential EPS R2 nomination candidates with chosen criteria.

    See EPSR2 nomination candidate report   for more information.
  • New Medicine Service Activity Report - Displays NMS activity including patients who have declined, deferred or consented to an NMS.

  • Patient Details Report - An individual patient report of activity over a date range. From a confidentiality perspective you have to record who asked for the report to be produced.

    See Patient Details Report for more information.
  • Potential MUR Candidates Report - Patients who may be due a Medicine Use Review (MUR).

England and Wales only

  • Candidate Patients Without a Targeted MUR - Patients with targeted medication within a set period but no MUR in the previous 12 months.

    See Medicines Use Review Reports for more information.
  • Claim Amendments - A report on claim amendments within a specified date range.

  • MUR Statistics Report - Statistics report on MURs completed this MUR year.
    See Medicines Use Review Reports for more information.
  • Medicines Use Review Report - Filters exist for MUR category, for example High Risk Medicine, and MUR type, for example Prescription Intervention, as well as the option to identify specific states, for example In Progress or Complete.

    See Medicines Use Review Reports for more information.
  • NCSO Products Report - If you apply an NCSO concession to products when it arises, this report will help identify those items that will need the concession alert cancelling at the end of the month.

Scotland only

  • MCR Claim Submissions Report - List of patients based on claim states.
  • MCR Parked Prescriptions Report - Report on MCR prescriptions that have been parked.

  • MCR Patient Status Report - Lists the patient's MCR registration status.

  • MCR Repeat Not Received - List of patients based on MCR repeat not received.

  • MCR Treatment Summary Report - Electronic Medicines: Care and Review Treatment Summary Report.

    See MCR Treatment Summary Report (TSR) for more information.
  • Missing TSR Submissions Report - Missing TSR Submissions Report.

  • Pharmacy Services Report - List all Pharmacy Services report. Only available where Pharmacy First Scotland - Standard (MAS) and UCF services are enabled.

    See Pharmacy Services Report for more information.
  • SHS Product Report - A straightforward list of all prescription items that are currently deemed as being SHS.

  • UCF Service Definition Parameter File - UCF Service Definition Parameter File.
  • UCF Supply Claims Report - List UCF prescriptions by claim states.

  • Upcoming MCR Iterations Report - Upcoming MCR Iterations Report.

Note - To comply with GDPR and best practice, every report has ‘May contain sensitive data, please discard accordingly’ at the bottom of every printed sheet.
See Quick Entry Date Codes and Saving, Viewing and Sending Reports for more information on reports in Pharmacy Manager.
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