EPSR2 nomination candidate report  

> Reports tab


Please be advised there are reports from this system that may contain patient identifiable information. Such information is subject to Patient Confidentiality and Information Governance requirements and should be handled appropriately.





This report provides branch level information identifying patients who could potentially nominate your pharmacy as the receiver of their prescriptions. It can identify un-nominated patients who use surgeries from which you have already received at least one EPSR2 prescription.


Whilst this could have some effect increasing prescription turnover, it also provides a basis for the pharmacy improving the level of service provided to the patient e.g. less waiting time for dispensing prescriptions, awareness and use of home delivery services and prompt repeat of prescriptions.


The function can also report on patients who have already been in receipt of a nominated prescription at this pharmacy within a defined period.

  • Check EPSR2 nomination candidate.

  • Check either Nominated candidate report or Potential nomination candidate report.

The default report will include every qualifying patient at every doctor's surgery.

You can apply a filter by institution e.g. specify a particular medical centre

  • Ensure you have checked Select by institution
  • Input the first few letters of surgery name and press .
  • Alternatively, click the Findbutton and search.

Alternatively, you can search only for those patients registered with a specific prescriber.

  • Ensure you have checked Select by prescriber. This will uncheck Select by institution.
  • Input the first few letters of prescriber name and press <Enter>.
  • Alternatively, click the Findbutton and search.

  • Enter a start and end date if required.
  • Click the OK button.
  • Click/check Select output destination if not defined.
  • Select Save to report directory if you wish to look at the report at another time, or to keep it for reference.
  • Select Print/Preview to look at the report on screen immediately.
  • Click the printer button to generate printed output.
  • You will be given the opportunity to save it from here also by clicking the save button.
  • The content of the report will depend on the criteria used, but this is a typical example:

  • If there are no matching patients returned,  you are informed accordingly:


Please be advised there are reports from this system that may contain patient identifiable information. Such information is subject to Patient Confidentiality and Information Governance requirements and should be handled appropriately.