Returning Patients - Scotland Only

The way Vision 3 handles returning patients in Scotland has been updated.

If a patient has clinical term of 92...00 Patient de-registration with 'by transfer of GP to GP electronic record' in Comments, recorded in their record, they cannot be reactivated via Registration and a new record must be created. Vision 3 automatically checks the patient record when you start the re-registration process:

  1. From the Vision 3 Front Screen, select Registration and find the returning patient in the usual way, see Selecting a Patient for details if required.

  2. Before you re-register a patient, you must remove any outstanding medical record flags from their original record, see Clear Medical Records Flag for details.

  3. With the relevant patient details on your screen, select Action - Re-registration.

  4. Check the details and update if necessary.

  5. Select OK.

  6. Vision 3 automatically checks the patient record, if a clinical term of 92...00 Patient de-registration with 'by transfer of GP to GP electronic record' in Comments:

    • is recorded in the patient record, a message displays advising you 'The patient record may not be reactivated as it was previously exported via GP2GP. If you continue, a new patient record will be created and the old record will be marked as superseded.':

      • Select Yes to continue, and run through the registration in the usual way, or

      • No to cancel the re-registration.

    • is not recorded in the patient record, you should continue to re-register the patient in the usual way, see Re-Registration for details if required.

If you do create a new record using Re-registration, the original record automatically updates to:

  • Surname - 'Superseded Record'

  • First Name - Original 'first name' 'surname'

    The CHI Number is removed from the original record as it is now used in the newly created patient.

If you try to access a superseded record anywhere is Vision 3, a 'WARNING! SUPERSEDED RECORD! Please use this patient's current record. Do you still wish to access the superseded record?' message displays:


  • Confirm to continue to the superseded record, or

    Remember - A notification is sent to your Privacy Officer when you access inactive records.
  • Cancel to select the active record.

A superseded patient name displays as 'Title First Name Surname Superseded Record', for example, 'Mr Joseph Kane Superseded Record' in Registration:

In Consultation Manager, a superseded patient name displays as 'First Name Surname Superseded Record', with a date of birth but no CHI number:

Important - After re-registering the patient you receive a GP2GP record for the patient from their previous practice, if applicable. If you do not receive a GP2GP record, you should then follow normal process and merge the record with the old record. See Merging Patients for details. If you have not removed the medical records flag, as per step 2 above, the merge fails and you are required to manually summarise the whole patient record.
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