Managing Workflow Nodes

Nodes enable you to add steps and decisions to your Workflow.

Editing a Workflow Node

When you select a single Node, you can drag it to reposition, and additional options display on the Toolbar.

  • Align Text - Left, Centre or Right

  • Copy - then right click to Paste

  • Delete

  • Properties - see Node Properties

  • Select All - enables options to Align, Distribute and Resize all Nodes

  • Undo and Redo

When you use Select All or press CTRL and select multiple Nodes, further options display.

  • Align - Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Centre Vertically or Centre Horizontally

  • Distribute - Vertically or Horizontally

  • Resize - Make all Nodes the same size

Node Properties

To update the Properties of the selected Node, select Properties from the toolbar or right click and choose Properties from the menu.

  • Text
    Select to Add/Enter text into the node.

    Note - Double clicking a Node also opens the Text Editor.
  • Taxonomy
    Create tags for searching.
    See - Workflow Taxonomy.
  • Item style
    Select the Item Style drop-down to choose a different style.

    Note - Node Styles are created in the Admin app using the Node Styles section.
    If there is a Selected Node style, this doesn't preview when designing the Workflow.
  • Height
    Adjusts the height of the selected Node.
  • PDF Order
    Define what order the Nodes display when the Workflow exports to PDF.
    See - Ordering Nodes.