Finding a Patient

Note - To select a patient outside of your booked appointments list, you must be connected to the internet.
  1. From the Vision Anywhere Home screen, enter the first few letters of the patient's surname and forename with a space in between in Search for a Patient , for example, smi cli to search for Clifford Smith:

    You can also search for patients by:

    • Date of Birth
    • Postcode
    • NHS/CHI Number
    • Combination of surname and year of birth


  1. Select Search or press Return.
  1. Patient tiles display, select the required patient to view their record and start an encounter.

Patient Tiles

Patient tiles display the patient's:

  • Date of birth.
  • Age.
  • Gender.
  • NHS/CHI number - If a patient does not have an NHS Number recorded, NHS None displays:

  • Shared Care Setting only -Where a patient has multiple registrations with different practices, select the entry with Permanent as the registration status:

Note - Patients who were transferred out prior to your data synchronisation with Vision Anywhere cannot be accessed.
Note - Those operating in a Shared Care Setting can only access records for applied and permanent patients.

Patient List

To display the patients in a details list instead of tiles, select List .

Recent Patients

From your Home screen, Recent Patients displays your five most recently opened patients; these are retained across your sessions:

See Patient Summary and Encounters for further details.
Note - In the event of the Vision 3 system being unavailable, patient records cannot be accessed unless previously downloaded. If your practice system is offline, a 'Unexpected error - Remote service is unavailable' message displays when you try to access a patient.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.