Processing a Task

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Processing a Task (1:43)

To process a task that you have received:

  1. Open Tasks from:
    • The Vision 3 front screen, select Tasks .
    • From your Windows desktop:

      • Windows 10 - Select Start - Tasks .

      • Windows 7 - Select Start - Tasks .

  2. Your My tasks screen displays:

  3. Select the task you wish to process and it displays in the right hand pane.
  4. If the task is from a third party and has a patient from another practice attached, you must record a legitimate relationship with that patient. A message 'You must give a reason for viewing task details from other clinics' displays, select from the list available and then select Confirm:

  5. The task now locks to prevent other users from trying to process it at the same time:

  6. Process the task as required:
    • n other outstanding tasks associated with - Where n is the number of other associated tasks, select to list other tasks for this patient .
    • Attachment - Select to view any attachments for this task.
    • Options - Select:
      • Edit - To open the original task to update or change the details, for example, select another recipient.

        Select Update to save any changes. This should not be used to record action taken, see Activity below for full details.

        Note - For clinical safety reasons, if a patient is attached to a task, you cannot change or remove the patient. If a different patient is required, you need to delete the task and add a new task attached to the correct patient.
      • Reject - To return the task to sender without actioning it. A warning screen displays. Select a reason for audit purposes, if you select Other, you have the opportunity to add a free text reason for rejection. It is important you do not reject a task in order to respond to it, use the Conversation tab. See Conversations for full details. If a task is rejected there is currently no option to resend without recreating it. Reject is not available for self assigned tasks.
      • Delete - To delete the task without actioning it. A warning screen displays and a reason must be entered for audit purposes. Please be aware, this action can be carried out by both the sender and the recipient.
        Note - Full details of a deletion display on the Task audit information screen, see Tasks Audit for details.
      • Complete - To complete the task, and move it to your Completed list.
        Training Tip - If a task is attached to a patient and contains a Write back clinical code, you cannot update the record with the code if you have the patient open in Consultation Manager. Please also be aware the clinical entry is allocated the default Consultation type of the staff member completing the task, for example, if a clinician completes the task, even if it is an administration clinical code, it is recorded as a Surgery Consultation if that is their default Consultation type, see Consultation Manager Setup - Consultation in the Consultation Manager Help Centre for details.
    • Conversation - Select the Conversation tab to send a message to the originator of this task, this works across organisations too. Enter your message and select Send. See Conversations for full details.
    • Activity - Select the Activity tab to record activity relating to this task, enter your activity for example 'Called patient, no answer' and select Update.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.