What's New?

Appointments Reporting 1.8

Appointments Reporting release 1.8 contains the following new features and improvements:

  • Appointments Reporting Home screen - The Appointments Reporting Home screen has been updated to include new View all reports and Create new report options:

Note - The Create Report option is no longer available from the Actions menu.
See Create Report and Viewing Reports for more information.
  • Group By - Once a report is run, you can now group report data by the following additional options:

    • Cancelled By - Select to group the data by who cancelled the appointments:

      Note - This option is only available for reports including cancelled appointments.

      When selected the report includes the following tabs:

      • Summary - Displays the overall number of appointments a user cancelled in the date range.

      • Detail - Displays a list of cancelled appointments and who cancelled them in the data range.

    • Override Reasons - Select to group data by the override reason used to book restricted appointments:

      Note - This option is only available for reports including override reasons.

      When selected the report includes the following tabs:

      • Summary - Displays a summary of the override reasons selected when booking appointments with a Days/Hours Prior restriction.

      • Detail - Displays a list of appointments made when overriding a Days/Hours Prior restriction, and the overriding reasons.

  • Report Actions - Actions now displays at the top of reports screens and includes the following:

    • Summary screen:

      • Save Report- Select to save the report details and output.

      • Save Report as- Select to save the report using a different name and optionally edit the report details.

      • Add to Favourites- Select to add the report to the your favourites.

    • Detail screen:

      • Export to PDF - Select to export the report output to a PDF file

      • Export to CSV - Select to export the report ouput to a CSV file without comments

      • Export to CSV with comments - Select to export the report output to a CSV file with comments.

  • Report Details - Once a report is run, or if you select a saved report, the Detail tab now displays seven new columns:

    • Comments - Displays any appointment comments

    • Booking Method - Displays the appointment booking method

    • Override Reason - Displays the override reasons selected when booking appointments with a Days/Hours Prior restriction.

      Note - Vision 3 release DLM 840 is required to view the Override Reason column.
    • Clinician - Displays the clinician the appointment is booked with.

    • Session - Displays the Session Type.

    • Slot Type - Displays the slot type.

    • Contact - Displays the patient's contact number.

  • Exporting Reports - The following updates have been made when you export a report:

    • Confidentiality Disclaimer - A confidentiality disclaimer now displays when exporting a report to a CSV file. You must tick Acknowledge confidentiality requirement before selecting Export:

    • Export to PDF - From a report, select Actions - Export to PDF to create a PDF file ready to export:

      Note - An NHS Confidentiality message displays beside the report title on the PDF of a report.
  • Favourites - Reports you use on a regular basis that you want to add to your short cut list are now referred to as Favourites. Add to Favourites/Remove from Favourites therefore replaces Pin/Unpin Report on the Actions option to reflect this change:

  • Date Range - To clarify the information required, Report Details - Date Offset (days) is renamed Date Range when saving a report: