Viewing Reports

To view and filter reports:

  1. Select a report from the Dashboard or select View all Reports to display the Report Library. In the Report Library you can use the Search bar to quickly find the report. The report displays.
  2. Change the report type if required:
    • Bar - Horizontal or Vertical
    • Chart - Pie or Donut
    • Table - Summary Table
    • A blue line displays under the active view.

  3. Optionally, select the Calendar to change the dates.
  4. Select Run.
  5. Select the Group By drop down to change the view criteria. The criteria varies by report, and the number in brackets indicates how many matches for the criteria.
  6. Select the Sort By drop down to change the view options. Choose from:
    • Count, highest first
    • Count, lowest first
    • Type
    Note - If the selected Group By criteria is Week, then choosing Type displays the results by day order.

  7. Select the Actions button to:
    • Save Report
    • Save Report as

    • Add to / Remove from Favourites - Adds or removes the report with the current filters, group and sort preferences to the Favourites Dashboard.

  8. Select the Back arrow to return to the previous screen.
See Report Drill Down for more details.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.