Create Report

You can quickly create reports using the predefined queries.

  1. From the Dashboard, select Create new report:

  2. Select a query from the list on the left hand side of the screen or use the Search box. For example, Scheduled Core Hours:

  3. To add further criteria, hover near the text box and select the Add button. A second text box displays.
  4. Select an additional Query from the list. For example, Scheduled HCP type GP, to show GP appointments.
  5. Define the relationship between the groups:

    • Add all patients (default) - Keeps all the patients in the groups
    • Keep only common patients - Keeps only patients that are in both groups
    • Keep patients exclusively in the first group - Removes any patients that are in the both groups and does not import any patients in the joining group.
    • Keeps patients exclusively in the joining group - Removes all patients from the first group, including any patients who are in both groups.
    • Remove common patients - Removes any patients that are in both groups.
  6. To add further queries or remove a query, hover over the report detail box to activate the Add and Remove buttons:

  7. Click the Next button in the bottom right of the screen to proceed.
  8. Complete the Report Details form:

    • Title - Report Name
    • Description - Report Description
    • Chart Type - Display options - Bar / Chart / Table
    • Group By - Select the group by options from the drop down list
    • Date Range - Choose the date range for the report from the drop down list.
  9. Select Save Report to proceed, alternatively choose Cancel to delete.
  10. The new report is available in the Report Library.
See Viewing Reports and Report Drill Down for more details.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.