What's New?

Pharmacy Manager Release 14.1

Pharmacy Manager14.1 introduces the following features:

All Countries

Scotland Only

  • Minor Ailment Service (MAS) - 'Pharmacy First Minor Ailment Service (MAS)' is renamed to 'Pharmacy First Scotland - Standard (MAS)'.

  • UCF Services - We have introduced a hierarchy structure for all Universal Claim Framework (UCF) including Pharmacy First Scotland. Some examples are shown below:

    Group Service Name
    Epidemic / Pandemic Services and Vaccinations COVID-19 - LFD Supply
    COVID-19 - Pharmacy Supply
    Health Board Services Health Board Local Service
    Health Board Local Service - GP Notification
    Healthy Start Vitamins
    Pharmacy First Scotland Impetigo - Scot. GP Registered
    Impetigo - Scot. Resident, no GP
    Shingles - Scot. GP Registered
    Shingles - Scot. Resident, no GP
    Skin Infection- Scot. GP Registered
    Skin Infection - Scot. Resident, no GP
    Standard (MAS)
    UTI - Scot. GP Registered
    UTI - Scot. Resident, no GP
  • Patient Details History - Where the service name was previously shown in the Patient Details History screen, there is now a Pharmacy Service column that displays the service name. For all new consultations the description will no longer display either UCF or MAS as this is included in the Pharmacy Service column.

Integrated Functionality

The updates below are for customers on the advanced and ultimate package, contact your Cegedim Account Manager for more details.

  • Robot Collection Label - When dispensing prescriptions for patients that have selected Robot Collection as their handout method, an additional QR barcode label is printed which enables the integration with the Robot Collection system:

    Important - Do not use this label to label letters as the QR code contains additional patient details, for example the patient’s NHS number.

    To reprint this label, from the Patient Details screen select Address Label (z):


    Integrating your Robot Collection Service with Pharmacy Manager (2:24)

    See Video Tutorials for further Pharmacy Manager videos.

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