Enhancements to Stock Adjustment Functionality

When Qualified stock adjustments is enabled within Pharmacy Manager, you are now asked to enter a Stock Adjustment Reason when adjusting stock levels from the Stock Inventory screen.

Enabling Qualified Stock Adjustments

To enable Qualified stock adjustments:

  1. Select Tools – System Settings – Pharmacy Details.

  2. The Pharmacy Details screen displays. Select Ordering:

  3. Select the Stock Control tab.

  4. From Stock Control, select the Qualified stock adjustments checkbox.

  5. Select Apply .

Adjusting Total Stock – Stock Inventory Screen Total

To adjust Total Stock from the Stock Inventory screen:

  1. From the Stock & Order Management screen, select Stock Inventory:

  2. The Stock Inventory screen displays. Find the product you wish to update. Select Edit :

  3. From Total Stock, enter the correct stock number and select Save or press Enter on your keyboard:

Robot Items Only

If the product you are updating is a Robot item, the Select a manufacturer to update screen displays.

  1. Select the manufacturer of the product you are updating and select Save:

All Items

The Stock Adjustment Reason Selection screen displays.

  1. Select a Stock Adjustment Reason and select OK: