Patient details: Medication tab


The Medication tab shows you a list of the selected patient's items, in chronological order.



The essential multiple item changes that have been incorporated for electronic prescriptions in Pharmacy Manager version 8.3 have changed the information that is displayed in this view.

  • In Pharmacy Manager v8.2 and earlier, the item you selected to dispense was displayed.

  • From Pharmacy Manager v8.3, the prescribed item is displayed.

However, historical data accumulated in Pharmacy Manager v8.2 and earlier versions is not modified after you upgrade to the later version.

If you need to find out what was dispensed, look on the patient's history tab which will display the details of the product dispensed when you click the Details button for any highlighted item. This will be either the brand name or the generic name including the manufacturer of the product dispensed.









Sorting lists

You can sort the list alpha-numerically by clicking on the header bars; i.e. where it says Description, or sort by Price, or sort by the Number of times dispensed (#), or by Last Dispensed date etc.


Changing the display  

It is possible to adjust what is displayed on the medication tab.


By default, When an item has been dispensed more than once, the number of instances are sub-totalled. In the example below, Simvastatin has been dispensed twice, with the most recent occurrence on 2nd July 2012



In order to increase the number of medication items displayed, check Don't show me expanded directions.


By hiding the alternating directions/caution lines, this has the following effect:



If you make a change to this setting, the format remains chosen as your default until you make any subsequent change.



If you want to expand the sub-total detail of any item on the display, highlight the chosen item (whether or not the directions are expanded.

Check Show me expanded dispensed items



By hiding the alternating directions/caution lines, this has the following effect:



This displays each instance of the selected that has been dispensed, with the most recent instance at the top. Dispensed items are grouped together regardless of the dispensed quantity or the dosage/directions that have been applied.


Should you wish to display the expanded directions for an expanded selection of dispensed items, uncheck Don't show me expanded directions.



The system displays both the dispensed item and the full text directions/cautions


The check against Show me expanded dispensed itemsis not retained. It has to be applied against the selected dispensed medication item each time you wish to expand the view.


Repeat dispensing

Please see Selecting Repeat Medication.

You cannot reprint labels or delete items from the Medication tab.

Quick repeat request

You can produce a quick repeat request letter for a GP on behalf of a patient without having to use Repeat Rx.


Updated 11th May 2018