Patient details: History tab

The History tab shows you an audit trail of events, being everything that has happened in a patient's record. This is not just dispensing data, but includes interactions, notes if they were in a nursing home, and deleted items.

A date filter can be used to limit the list of events to those within a particular period e.g. last 30 days, last 6 months, last 12 months. A user defined period can be chosen as an alternative to one of the pre-set periods.

A category filter can be used to display only those event of a particular type e.g. Dispensing events only.

  • Click the Date or Category and select the chosen criteria.

Multiple items

The blue cross indicates where two or more manufacturer's versions of the same product have been used to fulfil a prescription.

  • Highlight each line in turn and click the Details button to display the manufacturer.

The same symbol indicates when an additional item has been dispensed e.g. when multiple flavours have been dispensed.

The ADD symbol indicates when an additional item has been dispensed e.g. water for an injection.


See also Multiple items    Multiple flavours    Additional items.


Here are some of the types of history events you will see in the middle column. The list is not exhaustive and most are self explanatory when taken in the context of the description.

Dispensed item

A normal dispensed item

Dispensed item - deleted

Deleted item

Patient reminder

Recording the output of a new patient alerts label.

Patient intervention

A recorded intervention


Important sensitivity - acknowledged

MUR Review

An MUR annual review is in progress

NMS activity

The patient may have consented to or declined enrolment in the NMS in England



Owing - collected

Collected owing

Owing - written off

An owing that has been reclaimed, perhaps automatically, but belatedly needs dispensing


Important condition or sensitivity has been added

Monitored dosage system entry

The point at which a patient is entered (or removed) from an MDS system

MDS remainder

The balance of mid-cycle medication that is still to be given out

Message Dynamics

Several different types


You cannot repeat dispense from the History tab, however, you can dispense/collect owing balances.



There may be occasions where an owing item is automatically reclaimed only for you to need to dispense it. For example, it may be a special order item that takes longer than your default period to be delivered. Should this situation arise, you can locate a patient's owing - written off item on their Patient history tab from where you can belatedly collect it. The status will then update to Dispensed item.


You should not delete EPSR2 items from the patient history. Whilst it is possible to delete an item from a partially dispensed prescription, this should be avoided. The result could be a frozen prescription that cannot be completed i.e. a failure to be able to notify and claim.


Intervene Button

See  Recording an Intervention and Intervention Wizard for more details


You can delete an event from Patient History list if required.


You can reprint labels. This does not affect stock levels or add another dispensing to the patient's record.

Event Details

  • Click the Details button to see Prescription Item Details screen:

See Prescription Item Details for further description.

Updated 9th September 2013