Minor Illness/Clinical Pathways Consultation

The following video tutorial demonstrates a quick overview of Pharmacy First. Select Fullscreen to watch the video in full screen.

Welcome to Pharmacy First (2.22)

The Pharmacy First Minor Illness/Clinical Pathways screen displays once you start a new referral.

See Minor Illness/Clinical Pathways and Creating a Manual Pharmacy First Referral for details on starting a Minor Illness/Clinical Pathways referral.

Complete the following sections as required:

Once all sections are complete:

  1. Select COMPLETE to complete and claim for the Minor Illness/Clinical Pathways referral.

    Note - COMPLETE is only available to users with a Pharmacist role. A Pharmacist must review and confirm the Minor Illness/Clinical Pathways consultation details are accurate before completing the referral.
  2. The Complete Consultation screen displays:

    Select either:

    • CANCEL to return to the consultation, or

    • COMPLETE to complete the referral.

  3. The Consultation Complete screen displays, select either:

    • GP Notification - Select DOWNLOAD PDF to download a PDF version of the consultation summary, or

    • FP10 Dispensing Token - Select DOWNLOAD PDF to download a PDF version of the FP10 Dispensing Token (if required for signing).

    Important - When completing a Minor Illness/Clinical Pathways service, if a patient is PDS (Personal Demographics Service) verified an electronic notification is automatically sent to their registered GP practice to update their record once accepted. If the GP practice rejects the message for any reason, Pharmacy Services now automatically attempts to resend the message via NHSMail. If the GP Notification fails to send, it must be sent securely to the patient's registered GP practice. If the patient's details have not been PDS verified, service details are sent to their registered GP by NHSMail.
  4. To return to the Pharmacy First Referrals screen, select either:


    • Pharmacy First from the side navigation bar.

Note - When you complete a referral, a claim is automatically sent to your Manage Your Service (MYS) portal.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.