Appointments Release 3.5

Summary of Changes

Appointments release 3.5 contains the following new features and improvements:

Note - If you have Appointments Setup enabled, please see Appointments Setup Release 3.5 for details about what is new in Appointments Setup.

All Users

  • Preferences - General - Enforce book owner restrictions (This feature is dependent on Vision 3 release DLM 810) - There is now a practice wide setting to enforce appointment booking restrictions by clinician:

    If Enforce book owner restrictions is:

    • Ticked - Only the book owner(s) specified in the restriction can book appointments. This includes appointments being moved or copied from the clipboard.

    • Not Ticked - The practice setting is not enforced, when an unspecified book owner books a patient into a slot with a book owner restriction, they can select Ignore Book Owner restriction to ignore the setting.

      See Book Owner Restriction for more details.
    See Preferences - General for full details.
  • Appointment Override reasons (This feature is dependent on Vision 3 release DLM 810) - When booking an appointment in a slot with a Book Owner restriction, you must now select a pre-defined Override reason.

  • Booking Form - You can no longer change slot types to Non-bookable or Web bookable from the Booking Form. You can only change a slot to a Non-bookable or Web bookable slot type from the Reception View and Weekly View screens.

    See Booking an Appointment for details.
  • Practice Wide Filters - You can now select Options - Refresh setup data to update any changes made to practice wide filters in Appointments or Appointments Setup. A practice wide filter can be updated by another user without impacting your work, the changes only update when you select Refresh setup data, or the next time you log into Appointments.

Practice Only Users

  • Test Patients - Test patients now display with a prefix advising that they are a test patient on both the Patient Banner and Patient Search Results screen:

Shared Care Users

  • Appointments Clipboard - The total number of moved appointments per organisation now displays on the Moved Awaiting Re-booking tab:

    See Moving Appointments for details.
See Checking your Current DLM Version in the Vision 3 Front Screen Help Centre for details on how to check your Vision 3 DLM version.
See Appointments Setup Release 3.5 for details about what is new in Appointments Setup.
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