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Export As CSV File

To save the output of a report as a .csv file that can be used in Microsoft Excel:

  1. Once you have run the required report, select Export results for selected report .

    SCR Reporter - Create Group from patients

  2. The Save As window opens. The default location to save to is O:\program, use the down arrow to select an alternative location to save the file to.
  3. The report type is used for a File name eg InitialUpload. Type an alternative file name if required.
  4. Click Save.
  5. If you have included numerous batches you may be prompted "Results will retrieved for report InitialUpload for all batches. This might take some-time depending upon the size of the data. Do you wish to continue?" Click Yes.

    Export detailed results

  6. A progress bar displays.

    Progress Bar

  7. You are prompted "Details exported to (the selected location)".

    Patient Group Created - Confirmation

  8. Click OK.
  9. Select one of the other available reports, or click Exit to close SCR Reporter.
  10. To view the csv file, open Microsoft Excel, select Open from the File menu and locate the saved file.