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Create a Patient Group

To save the output of a report as a Vision 3 patient group:

  1. Once you have run the required report, select Create Group from patients .

    SCR Reporter - Create Group from patients

  2. You are prompted to add a Group name and Group Description, eg group name: IU REPORT, group description: Initial Upload Report.
  3. Click OK to save.
  4. You are prompted "Patient group created".

    Patient Group Created - Confirmation

  5. Click OK.
  6. Select one of the other available reports, or click Exit to close SCR Reporter.
  7. The patient group can now be used in Vision 3. For example use the group in Patient Groups to add a reminder to all the records. Or select the group in Consultation Manager, using the Select a Patient group option from the Consultation menu. This enables you to load each patients medical record to try to identify the problem eg a PDS mismatch.