Custom Extract Label
When Scheduling an Extract the Extract Date can be changed to a customised label using the Custom Extract Label, this can be a Free Text label or a Dynamically Changing label.
Custom extract label options when Scheduling an Extract:
Extract Date (default)
Leave the Custom extract label blank to display the Extract Date.
Free Text
Enter free text into the Custom extract label.
Note - the free text label replicates for future extracts. -
Dynamically Changing Text
Using a combination of free text and simple code, you can configure the Extract label to update every time a schedule runs.
This removes the need to manually change the label prior to each schedule running.
The dynamic syntax is %d, DD Mon YYYY, M, 0
Extract for %d The label containing the date place holder %d. DD Mon YYYY The date format. M The date unit Month. 0 The number of months to add/subtract to the report date that displays.
The 0 syntax allows you to move the display day/month/year forwards or backward if required.
For example, extracts on the 1st of the month are usually for the previous month's activity, therefore -1 displays the previous month.
Example 1
Extract Label displays "Monthly Extract for 01st January 2021" (Ran on the 1st of February) configured as:
Monthly Extract for %d, DD Mon YYYY ,M, -1
Example 2
Label displays "Extract run
on -01st February 2021 for
last calendar month" (Ran on the
1st of February)
Extract run on - %d for last calendar month, DD mon YYYY, M, 0