Add Notification

Adding Notifications (1.52)

Organisation Administrators can create Notifications, for example, a Notification of a new Pathway.

To add a Notification:

  1. From the main Dashboard select Administration.

  2. From the System menu select Notifications.

  3. Select Add Notification from the toolbar.

    The Add Notification pop-up displays.

  4. Enter a Title.

  5. Enter the Message details.
  6. For further formatting choices select Options .
    See - Formatting for more information.
  7. Optionally, select "Would you like to attach this notification to a particular product?" to change the image to a specific product, for example, Pathway Developer.
    Then select a Product from the drop-down list.
    Note - The list of products available varies by organisation.
  8. Select Save to update and X to close the pop-up.