
Select Print, then select Output Type - Window, see Report Output for details. Select OK to create the report.

The report displays on-screen. Across the top of the screen is a toolbar of options:

  • Use the horizontal arrows to display sections of the report which are off-screen.
  • Select the far left arrow to go to first page of report, displays as grey if you are already at the top of the report, or select the left arrow to go to the previous page, greyed out if there is no previous page.
  • Select the right arrow to go to next page, greyed out if there is no next page, or select the far right arrow to go to last page of the report. You can also use PgDn on your keyboard.
  • Use the percentage selection to adjust your display larger or smaller.

Printing from the on-screen display

To print a report that is displaying on your screen:

  1. From the report toolbar, select Print , see Printing for details. Select whether to print all or some of the pages, and whether one copy (the default) or more
  2. Select OK.
  3. Select Close .
See Export Data for further details.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.