
The dosage and quantity prescribed are closely related, for example, two tablets twice a day for a month means a quantity of 112 tablets (see alsoQuantity, Preparation, Packs).

Consultation Manager uses shorthand to enter dosages and this is expanded to full text on the prescription form. Point to the Dosage window, and click with the right mouse, then select Dosage Codes - List to remind yourself of the currently available abbreviated dosage codes. Scroll and double click on the code you want. Repeat as required.

Note - If the Dosage on Therapy - Add is blank (from either your own defaults or those of Gemscript), and you leave it blank, you are forced to make a dosage entry after you click OK - "A Valid Dosage must be entered". Note that this only applies to drugs and does not apply to appliances or oxygen prescriptions. You should always CHECK THE DOSAGE before clicking OK on a Therapy Add screen.
See Methotrexate Warning for details

In this section

Adding a Dosage for Selected Therapy

Adding a New Dosage Code

Dosage by Weight