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Adding a New Dosage Code

You may add your own dosage code to the list of dosage codes:

  1. From Consultation Manager, select a patient and, if necessary, open a consultation.
  2. Select the Therapy tab and press <F8>.
  3. Either the Acute Therapy or Repeat Master – Add screen displays.
  4. Right click Dosage and select Dosage Codes - List:

  5. The Dosage Codes screen displays, you can review all existing codes from this screen, both system issued and practice defined.

  6. Right click and select either:
    • Edit – To update the dosage code selected, locate the code to update, right click, select Edit and change the Short Name or description as required. Select Assign to save.
    • Add – To add a new dosage code, right click, select Add and add a Short Name which must be unique and not a commonly used word and description which is the full dosage text as required. Select Assign to save.
    • Delete – To remove a dosage code, select the code to delete, right click and select Delete.


    Important - Avoid using numbers as a Short Name, as they can lead to confusion when numbers appear in the dosage.

  7. Select Assign to save.