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Management Screen Functions

The following Apps share the same screen functionality:

  • Asthma Management
  • Child Health Management Screen
  • CV/BP Management Screen
  • Diabetes Management Screen

This functionality includes:

Collapsible panels

  1. Click on panel headings to expand/collapse the panel:

    Management Screen Panels

Open Item in 'Popout' Screen

Groups of data can be opened in a separate resizeable 'popout' screen which lists historical data. From this screen you can choose to add, view or edit data.

  1. Select the App screen.
  2. Click the popout icon which displays alongside the relevant group.
  3. The popout screen displays:

    Data Popout Screen

  4. Alternatively, right click on any line within the Apps screen and choose Open,Add, View, Edit or Delete.

    Right Mouse Menu

    Data Add Popout Screen

Summary of Commands

Below is a summary of the options available:

  • Open - Right click on the Apps screen to invoke the Popout View.
  • Add - This allows you to add a new record
  • View Item - The Apps screen shows single lines with no word wrapping. Choosing View Item displays the full record of the selected item in a wrapped, scrollable window. This is particularly useful when items have a lot of text.
  • Edit Item - This option allows you to update the selected item
  • Delete - This command can be used to deleted the selected item

    Note - The delete option is only available on the right mouse menu option, this is to avoid entries being deleted accidentally.