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Quick Data Entry Forms

The Record section of the Asthma Management, Diabetic Management and CV/BP Management Apps screens allows for quick data entry. The Asthma Management Screen has its own quick data entry form and the CV/BP Management Screen and Diabetic Management screen share the same form. This topic describes both of these quick data entry forms.

Asthma Management Screen Quick Data Entry Form

Asthma Quick Data Entry Form

Both quick data entry forms described in this topic share the following functionality:

  • Save - Saves the data into the patient's record with today's date
  • Show Form - This option allows you to view each Structured Data Area whilst recording the data. You can use this if you want to add a comment or change the date of a particular entry.
  • More - Selecting More opens the Physiological Measurements screen in which the most common physiological measurements can be quickly entered:

Physiological Measurements Screen

Physiological Measurements

The following data can be added (the latest entry recorded displays to the right of each box):

  • Temperature
  • Respiration
  • Pulse
  • BP
  • JVP
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Waist
  • Peak Flow

Tick the Show Form(s) checkbox see the Structure Data Areas (SDA) for each entry.

CV/BP Management Screen and Diabetic Management Screen Quick Data Entry Form

The same quick data entry form displays on both screens. Blood pressures and associated data can be quickly entered.

Blood Pressure Data Entry Form

  • Time - This is automatically entered when you record the blood pressure, but can be edited
  • BP - This will allow the entry of up to three blood pressure readings and the filing of just the latest, all the readings, or an average. If only one of the three readings is to be filed, it is easy to remove the other two as they are recorded in the different boxes
  • Edit - Default values for laterality, position, and cuff are assumed but these can be edited

    Note - The blood pressure readings can be recorded in any format eg 120 80. 120/80, 120\80, 120-8-, 120,80, 120.80 - all formats are converted to the standard notation.