SCI Diabetic Care - Scotland
The aim of the national Scottish Care Information - Diabetes Collaboration (SCI-DC) Network system is to improve the health of people with diabetes by providing an integrated electronic patient record. This record is built from a variety of sources across primary care, secondary care and various other external sources and allows professionals involved in patient care to share information as agreed in the Scottish Dataset for Diabetes on a daily basis.
Consent and Dissent
Consent is assumed for the SCI-DC Scheme, however patients do have the option to dissent from participation in sharing diabetic information. To record a patient's dissent:
From the Vision 3 Front Screen, select Registration and select the patient required.
Select their Consent tab and tick Consent refused for SCI-DC data sharing.
Select OK to save.
From Registration, you can run reports for diabetic patients who have dissented, and those that have consented.
Diabetic data Extraction
Relevant diabetic data is extracted from Vision 3 for sharing with other health care professionals on the SCI-DC network. The following Read codes on a patient record qualify:
- C10% Diabetes mellitus
- R102. [D]Glucose tolerance test abnormal
- R10D0 [D]Impaired fasting glycaemia
- R10E. [D]Impaired glucose tolerance
- L1809 Gestational diabetes mellitus
- 44V2. Glucose tol. test impaired
Initially a full extraction of the data is made, if there is no previous data extraction for this patient, and the patient is newly diagnosed as diabetic. A full extraction also takes place if a new version of the data extract file is installed, which triggers a full extraction for all patients. If a patient changes their consent from refusal to consent, then a full extraction occurs.
The data is collected incrementally including any new or amended encounter record (in Type of consultation). Any demographic details updated are collected, including CHI number, surname, forename, unique 8-character identifier supplied by SCI and national (Scottish) practice identifier.
Any new or amended qualifying diagnostic records are also collected. As well as diagnostic diabetic Read codes listed above, relevant data for diabetic monitoring includes test results, drug allergy records, alcohol and smoking status, BP, exercise, height and weight, foot pulses, ankle neuropathy, visual acuity, scoring test result, current diabetic status, advice given, ante-natal bookings and consultations, and relevant medication from BNF 6.1 Drugs used in diabetes.
Schedule the Extracts times in Mail Gateway
You need to schedule the timing of the extracts for SCI-DC and ECS (Emergency Care Scheme) as a once a day task, and for PTI (Practice Team Information) extracts, a once a month task.