Prescribing from a Local Guideline

To prescribe from a Guideline:

  1. From Consultation Manager, select the appropriate patient and the Guideline required, see Selecting Guidelines for details if required.
  2. Check any relevant information for prescribing on the selected Guideline.
  3. Locate the medication you wish to prescribe and double click on it.
    Training Tip - Where appropriate, Drug Check symbols display in front of the item name, select to view the details.
  4. The Prescribe Drug screen displays, select from Acute or Repeat.
  5. Select OK.
  6. Either:
    • The Therapy - Add screen displays, check the details, complete as required and select OK, or
    • If you selected a Preferred Drug, depending on your settings, the item may automatically display, see Preferred Drug List for details.
  7. The Drug Check screens display as per your settings, respond as appropriate to continue.
  8. Press F9 on your keyboard twice to print the prescription.

Note - If Auto-Select Drug Information for patient is switched on, whenever a drug regime is invoked within a Guideline, when it is selected for prescription printing, the drug information automatically prints too, see Consultation Manager Setup - Management for details.
Training Tip - Once prescribed, if the Active Repeat Masters (Drug class title) line is used, then a drug line under this heading that starts with the word Repeat is an issue and a line that starts with the drug name is a Repeat Master.

Depending on the way the drug was added to the Guideline, you have the following additional options:

Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.