Guidelines - Adding a Patient Data Grid

From the Floating Toolbar, Add a Patient Data Grid , allows you to either:

  • Create your own data grid, or

  • Place a data grid within another Guideline.

Training Tip - Another way to display patient data is on a single line, see Guidelines - Adding Patient Data to Display for details.

To add a Patient Data Grid to a Guideline:

  1. From the Guideline required, in Maintenance mode , click on the Guideline where you want to place the new data grid, or if a new guideline, at the top line.
  2. Select Patient Data Grid and the Patient Data Grid screen displays:

  3. Complete as required:
    • Use the top pane to select the data type required, in the order you want them to appear on the grid. For example, for a 'Smoking' line, select All other Clinical Data - Lifestyle - Smoking, and then select Add. It now displays in the bottom pane. Repeat for all the entries you require in your grid.
      Note - If you select an incorrect item, highlight it and select Remove.
    • Description - Enter a title for the grid you are designing.
    • Force into discreet columns after - Select a time period to hide old entries, for instance, maternity might be forced into nine or eleven months, so enter 11M. Test results you might want to view on a daily basis, so enter 1D. The data grid displays the most recent entries fitting into that time frame in single columns.
    • Label - Highlight each data line in the bottom pane to check the title to display on the grid line, update if required.
    • Display Type - Select the way the data displays within the grid, the choice is Icon, Value (displays the actual numerical value, useful for test results), Standard Format, Short Format, Long Format, Interpreted Qualifier (for example, high, medium or low), Special Format.
      • Special format - This allows you to write your own format screen with your own text in an additional text screen. This could be useful, for example, where you want to have two rows of the same data but with different qualifiers, for example, Normal on one and Abnormal on the other. For example, If you want the BMI to appear as a separate line on your data grid, add the weight line to your grid twice. On one of these lines, change the display type to Special Format, then in Format you need to enter *WEIGHT+BMI. Now edit Label to 'BMI'. Your data grid should now display a line headed 'BMI' and contain the BMI calculated field as well as the 'Weight' line.
  4. Select OK to save.
Note - You can include data grids on both Patient Reports and Guidelines produced in Consultation Manager, however, the number of items is limited by how much can fit onto the A4 page and also depends on the format of the items contained within the data grid. For example, if it contains items with numeric values like BPs or test results, you get the latest 8 results if you print using portrait layout or the latest 12 in landscape mode. View the Report and use Print Preview facility to check what it looks like first rather than double-clicking to print directly.

Editing Patient Grids

To edit an existing grid:

  1. From the Guideline required, select Maintenance mode .

  2. Right click on the grid to update and select Edit.

  3. Make the changes as detailed above.

  4. Select OK to save.

Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.