Child Health Surveillance Data Entries
Display the Child Health Surveillance (CHS) Management Plan or Summary Form (see CHS form).
The tabs on the CHS Surveillance Summary Form are titled: Perinatal, Surveillance, Exam 6 weeks, 8 Months, Exam 18 Months, 3 Years, 4.5 Years.
To make an entry, point the cursor at an entry, for example, point to Delivery, click on the right mouse button, then click on Add. This displays an -Add screen for the entry. After completing the entries in a field, click on OK to go automatically to the next field.
Child Health Surveillance Summary Form - Perinatal tab
On the CHS Management Plan, the main sub-headings are Birth, Checks Due and Summary. Expand the whole guideline by clicking on on the Management Plan toolbar; or expand just one section by clicking on the header line Birth, Checks Due or Summary.
If you double click on the blue Check Guideline line, in the Checks Due section, the layout is by hotspot buttons which you can click on for the Add screen - Consultation, Weight, Height, Head circ., Vision, squint, Hearing, Manipulation, and Items to check next time.
In the Summary section, click in the far right cell of the row you want to add an entry. Continue through the entries as you would for a Summary Form.
Perinatal Tab - The fields include: Delivery Details, Gestational Age of Baby, Perinatalproblems, Apgar score, Guthrie Test, Immunisation contraindicated, Parental consent.
In Hospital Follow-Up, select the hospital from the list displayed of those pre-defined in Organisations, File Maintenance (Control Panel). In Appointment Date, enter a date, or an abbreviation such as 7D (seven days), 1W (one week), 2M (two months). The default Read term is 8HBZ Other follow-up NOS.
This completes the Perinatal tab. Click OK. Click on the Surveillance tab.
Surveillance Tab - The fields include:
CHS Consultation,
Height and Weight,
Head Circumference Centile - This Add form includes 22N5 Headcircumference as the default though you can also choose 649% Child head circ.centiles. There is a box to record Head size in cms. The Centile range is < 3, 3 - 9, 10 - 24, 25 - 49, 50 - 74 , 75 - 89, 90 - 97, >97
CHS Mother and Baby,
Parental Concerns.
In Check Next Examination there is a chance to enter a reminder for the next check in free text, and from the READ dictionary,.
This completes the Surveillance Tab. Click on the Exam 6 weeks tab.
Examination Tab - Many of the entries are duplicated on to the next Exam screen.
Exam 6 weeks Tab: This includes entries for Physical Examination (6 weeks), Vision, Hearing, Hips, Heart Sounds/Femoral pulses, Hernia, Head Control/Muscle Tone and Genitalia and Feeding. The screens include both left and right entries on each form, rather than separate forms.
Exam 8 Months Tab: Vision, Squint, Hearing, Hips, Heart Sounds/Femoral pulses, Hernia, Head Control/Muscle Tone, Genitalia, Speech/Language, Behaviour.
Exam 18 Months: Vision, Squint, Hearing, Locomotion, Manipulation, Genitalia, Speech/Language, Behaviour.
Exam 3 Years: Vision, Squint, Manipulation, Hearing, Speech/Language, Genitalia, Sphincters, Behaviour
Exam 4.5 Years: Vision, Squint, Hearing, Heart sounds/femoral pulses, Gait, Genitalia, Sphincters, Behaviour
Schooling (see School and Sixth Form College) - In order to record the school attended by a child, first add any schools in Maintenance Tools - Control Panel - File Maintenance - Organisations - category School. Then in Consultation Manager, use the CHS Management Plan or Summary and select Schooling - CHS. In School Name, you should have a picklist of schools (entered in File Maintenance) to choose from.